Exhibition: Singing in Big Spaces by Fiona McDonald
Part of the Accessible Book and Story Festival
(Sat 31 Aug - Sun 29 Sep)
This series of artwork by Fiona McDonald forms part of the Accessible Book and Story Festival. Giving a unique insight into the world of parenting a child with additional needs, specifically autism, this work powerfully illustrates the way that a child’s special interests and idiosyncratic behaviours can enable them to connect with their families and others in interesting and unique ways.
Fiona McDonald is a graduate of Gray’s School of Art and a professional member of the Society of Scottish Artists. She has exhibited widely in solo and group exhibitions across Scotland.
Accessible Book and Story Festival (Fri 13 & Sat 14 Sep)
Making stories fun for everyone! Join My Kind of Book for a packed two day programme full of practical sensory story skills workshops and interesting discussions around the issues involved in creating accessible books. Be inspired by the leaders in this field: pioneers, performers and practitioners from across the UK and beyond. The festival will celebrate some of the fantastic ways books and stories are being made accessible, especially for those with additional needs. This year the focus is on sensory stories.
My Kind of Book is a not-for-profit organisation founded to research and create books for children with complex additional needs and to campaign for greater accessibility in the children’s book world. Made possible by the support of Creative Scotland.
This exhibition is free and non-ticketed, however the exhibition space is sometimes used for private events so you may wish to call ahead to confirm it will be accessible for your visit. You can contact Reception on 0131 556 9579 or email reception@scottishstorytellingcentre.com.