Spoken Word, Poetry

Loud Poets

with Katie Ailes, Carly Brown, Iona Lee & Tony Walsh

Showcasing the top spoken word talent from Scotland and the UK! From laugh-out-loud funny, through the wonderfully surreal, to the thoughtful and emotional – Loud Poets continue to prove that Spoken Word has something for everyone.

Tony Walsh, the Longfella, is one of the UK’s most widely acclaimed professional poets; a writer and performer of remarkable breadth and depth, whose inspiring words regularly reach and inspire audiences of millions.

Carly Brown is a spoken word poet, author and academic originally from Austin, Texas and now living in Edinburgh. In her lyrical and witty poems, Carly mixes personal histories, introspection and political truths, bringing new and necessary images into sharp focus. She has performed across the UK and internationally at events such as Glastonbury Festival, StAnza Poetry Festival and the Edinburgh Fringe. She was Scotland’s National Champion of Slam Poetry (2013), and her second poetry pamphlet, Anastasia, Look in the Mirror, was released in 2020 from Stewed Rhubarb Press.

Iona Lee is a writer of poetry and non-fiction, as well as a performer, music-maker and illustrator. She has appeared on radio and television and has read her work in theatres and on festival stages all over the UK and Europe. Her work has also been published widely, and her debut poetry pamphlet was published by Polygon in 2018, being shortlisted for both a Saboteur and a Saltire award.

Dr. Katie Ailes is a poet, researcher, educator, and producer focusing on performance poetry. She has co-devised and performed in shows at festivals across the UK, including the Edinburgh, Brighton, and Prague Fringes with I Am Loud Productions. Her poetry has been published widely and her poem “Outwith” was chosen as one of the Scottish Poetry Library’s Best of the Best Scottish Poems in 2019. Katie’s PhD focused on the performance of authenticity in contemporary UK spoken word.

A booking fee of £1.25 is charged per transaction for online and phone bookings.


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This event is being sold at full capacity without social distancing. Audiences are requested to wear masks at all times, unless medically exempt.

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