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Exhibition: Recent Work by Mike Turpie

(Sat 8-Sun 30 Mar) Mike Turpie is an Edinburgh based painter working with oil on canvas and other mediums including pastel, watercolour and printmaking techniques. He has work in private and public collections both at home and abroad. He trained at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee and refined his distinctive colourful expressive style as an easel painter influenced by such masters as Cezanne, Gauguin and Georgia O’Keefe. His working practice gathers information, usually outdoors, through charcoal sketches followed by studio work to develop a harmony of colour, shape and texture. These elements are gathered from memory and imagination to form a decorative expressive scheme. He describes his work as composition - as a poet or musician would compose a piece to convey a feeling or memory. The exhibition is a collection of Edinburgh-themed compositions forming a poetic interplay of colour, line and shape, featuring imagery which occurs in Mike’s compositions is the relationship of trees and the built environment. He plays around with spatial relationships and perspective distortion. You can find out more about Mike and his work by visiting his website.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Theatre, New Writing

The Dark Up Close

(Wed 26 & Thu 27 Mar: 7:30pm) Two teenagers digging graves, an island full of conscripts and puffins. The guns are silent on the eve of World War III. These are scenes from a near-future Britain, a country in crisis, with national service reinstated for all young people. The old world is dying, and the new world has been delayed indefinitely. The Dark Up Close is a new play by Jack MacGregor, commissioned for Strange Town Young Company (18-25).

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Guid Crack: What a Glorious Mess!

(Fri 28 Mar: 7:30pm) Join guest storyteller Inés Álvarez Villa for another session of Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club. This month’s theme is What a Glorious Mess! celebrating the joy of being alive and the wonderful chaos of it all. Originally from the north of Spain, Inés has found her home in Edinburgh since 2004. She tells stories from all over the world, in her warm and atmospheric style. She has also created two successful long-form storytelling shows for the Scottish International Storytelling Festival in recent years, Don Quixote Rides Again (2023) and The Dream of Al-Andalus (2024). Held upstairs in the Waverley Bar, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem around the theme or otherwise. Hosted by Svend-Erik Engh.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue The Waverley Bar

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Literature, Poetry

Poetry... More or Less

(Sun 30 Mar: 11.30am) Join the Edinburgh School of Poets for a pop-up reading in the relaxed surroundings of the Storytelling Court. Image by Siân Hockaday

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Exhibition: Masks

(Fri 4 Apr-Mon 12 May) Get up close and personal with the exquisite Venetian masks hand-crafted by Edinburgh's mask maker, designer and mask model Lorraine Pritchard, artist-in-residence for this year's Pomegranates Festival and the only Scottish artist featured at the Venice Carnival 2025. Unmask the secrets of the mask-making heritage craft, find out more about masks and traditional dance, plus explore photographs of the artists' masks shot on location from Arthur’s Seat to the canals of Venice and a new behind-the-scenes documentary by Franzis Sánchez. Masks is complemented by another exhibition featuring more of Lorraine’s Venetian masks, plus books about Venice and the Carnevale at Edinburgh Central Library (1-30 April 2025), also curated as part of Pomegranates Festival. This is Lorraine's first solo exhibition in a public institution. It is curated across the two venues by the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland in an ongoing partnership with the Edinburgh City Libraries and the Scottish Storytelling Centre as part of Pomegranates, Scotland's springtime festival of world trad dance and its links with live music, film, poetry, art, craft and fashion. Find out more about Pomegranates Festival 2025, or you can keep up with Pomegranates as well as year-round TDFS activity by signing up to the TDFS newsletter.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Bothan Dhùn Èideann

(Fri 4 Apr: 7pm) A monthly session of Gaelic culture and community in Edinburgh, full of stories, songs, music, dance and good cràic! Each month a variety of performers will entertain, alongside space for conversation and friendship. April's line-up will feature Gaelic singer Susannah Stark and box player Caroline Hussey, Gaelic singer and guitarist Ró Ó hEadhra and Gaelic piper and singer Harry Gorski Brown. MC for the night is Choirstaidh Iona NicArtair. ~~~~~ Bothan Dhùn Èideann are a not-for-profit group, active for over 21 years, promoting and developing Scottish Gaelic language and culture in Edinburgh and creating space where everyone, no matter their background, feels comfortable celebrating Gaelic in Edinburgh. These events are presented in Gaelic throughout and all are welcome whether fluent speakers, learners or somewhere in between. ‘S e buidheann neo-phrothaideach a th’ ann am Bothan (a tha a-nis 21 bliadhna a dh’aois) a bhios a’ brosnachadh agus a’ leasachadh cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann tron chànan fhèin. Tha a’ choimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann measgaichte agus tha fàilte air a h-uile duine an cuid Gàidhlig a chleachdadh an seo, ge bith dè an ìre a th’ aca. Bothan Dhùn Èideann is funded and in partnership with An Comunn Gàidhealach, University of Edinburgh, Oor Vyce, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, TRACS and the Scottish Storytelling Centre.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Workshop, Storytelling

Storytelling for a Better World

(Sat 5 Apr: 10:30am) Explore and address challenging global issues through telling powerfully simple traditional wisdom tales from the world's oral cultures. What we learn from these tales is not just what happens in a story but how we respond to it, both individually and collectively. Creative response offers us insights about how we could make the world better. During this workshop, participants will tell stories and do creative response activities developed over years of experience working, learning and exchanging stories with people from all over the world: learners of English of all ages, levels and profiles, teachers at all stages of their development and storytellers in all their wonderful diversity. David Heathfield is a world storyteller, teacher trainer and writer from Exeter, UK. He loves to learn stories from people he meets from diverse cultural heritages. Together with Haneen Jadallah he set up the project Tell a Child in Gaza’s Tale. He has authored Storytelling with Our Students (DELTA Publishing) and numerous articles and book chapters including 'Storytelling for a Better World' in the free online British Council publication Integrating Global Issues in the Creative English Language Classroom. He provides Creative and Engaging Storytelling for Teachers (CrEST) courses for worldwide participants on Zoom. You can learn more about David and his work by visiting his website.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Music, Storytelling, New Writing

Balancing in Freedom

(Sat 5 Apr: 2pm) Iddo: "I'm making this performance piece Svjetlana. It explores human freedom. Would you like to be part of it?" Svjetlana: "Absolutely yes, Iddo, of course. What did you think?" Iddo: "Great. Here's the script" Svjetlana: "Thanks Iddo. I really don't want to memorize lines though. Can I improvise?" Iddo: "Yes OK, if that's what you want" Svjetlana: "It is!" Balancing in Freedom is a journey through the landscape of personal story, searching for meaning, connection and expression. In this unique blending of multiple art forms, Iddo Oberski takes us on a deeply personal exploration of his family’s Holocaust history, his own disability and Rudolf Steiner’s Philosophy of Freedom. In regular dialogue with his larger-than-life collaborator Svjetlana, Iddo is shown gently how such diverse and challenging experiences may never be fully understood. They shape us and through creating art we may come closer to making some sense of ourselves, human life and the world we live in. Join us for this world premiere performance of an enthralling new work. Written and performed by Iddo Oberski with Mark Kydd as Creative Mentor and Co-Director. Funded by Creative Scotland. Sponsored by the Authentic Artist Collective and the Salisbury Centre.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Exhibition Preview: Masks by Lorraine Pritchard

(Sat 5 Apr: 5pm) Join the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland for a preview of Masks - the first solo exhibition in a public institution by Edinburgh’s mask maker, designer and model artist Lorraine Pritchard, artist-in-residence at this year’s Pomegranates Festival and the only Scottish artist performing at the Venice Carnival 2025. Unmask the secrets of the mask-making heritage craft and find out more about masks and traditional dance in the company of the artist and her collaborators. Plus, explore Lorraine’s masks hand-crafted in the Venetian tradition, the photographs of the artists' masks shot on location from Arthur’s Seat to the canals of Venice and the new behind-the-scenes documentary by Franzis Sánchez. Masks continues at the Scottish Storytelling Centre until Monday 12 May. It is complemented by another exhibition featuring more of Lorraine’s Venetian masks, plus books about Venice and the Carnevale at Edinburgh Central Library (1-30 April 2025), also curated as part of Pomegranates Festival. This is Lorraine's first solo exhibition in a public institution. It is curated across the two venues by the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland in an ongoing partnership with the Edinburgh City Libraries and the Scottish Storytelling Centre as part of Pomegranates, Scotland's springtime festival of world trad dance and its links with live music, film, poetry, art, craft and fashion. Find out more about Pomegranates Festival 2025, or you can keep up with Pomegranates as well as year-round TDFS activity by signing up to the TDFS newsletter.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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The Gathering Quartet

(Sat 5 Apr: 7:30pm) Join a live album recording for The Gathering Quartet, a brand-new European traditional string group. The performance will be the product of their first week-long exchange of music from Ukraine, Scotland, England and Sweden. With the increasing pressures on communities across Europe, The Gathering Quartet aim to use the force of their decade-long creative relationships to musically transcend cultural and political boundaries, and inspire cross-cultural understanding. They hope to encourage others in peaceful exploration of their own common roots through traditional music, and how this has collectively shaped our cultures across Europe. Having played together in various guises over the years, these musicians will come together for the first time in a special traditional string quartet line up to experiment with new arrangements of old tunes and their own compositions. The Gathering Quartet members:Olena Yeremenko - fiddle (Ukraine)Luisa Brown - fiddle, octave fiddle (Scotland)Louis Bingham - guitar, bouzouki, cittern, mandolin (England)Mats Nystam - bouzouki, mandolin (Sweden) Please note that as this is an album recording, it is not suitable for young children and latecomers will not be admitted.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Easy Sundays: Let it Bring Hope, Let it Be a Tale

(Sun 6 Apr: 3pm) Storytellers David Heathfield and Jackie Ross and online theatre expert Haneen Jadallah from Gaza are joined live online by Young International Storytellers from Palestine to retell beautiful Palestinian folk tales for adults and families. The tales are all learned from children, teenagers and their teachers and are part of the ongoing voluntary project Tell a Child in Gaza's Tale. If I must dielet it bring hopelet it be a tale - If I Must DieRefaat Alareer (1979-2023) ~~~~~~~~~~~ This event is part of Easy Sundays, a monthly session of stories, music, community and friendship, where warm welcome awaits with a variety of activities for all to enjoy. So come find a space to relax amongst friends, old and new.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Through the Shortbread Tin

(Tue 8: 7:30pm | Wed 9 Apr: 2:30pm & 7:30pm) The story of the greatest literary hoax of all time. 1760. Scottish poet James Macpherson sets the world ablaze with stories of the third-century Scottish bard, Ossian. This tartan-trimmed tale of Highland history spreads far and wide, capturing the imagination of thousands– but is it built on deceit? 2025. Scottish poet Martin O’Connor reads Macpherson’s epic and questions his own relationship with Scottish culture. The sporrans, the stags, the shortbread – do these ‘gift-shop’ images of Scotland hold us back or bring us forward? What does it mean to be authentic, and is the truth sometimes better told in a lie? Through The Shortbread Tin is a brand-new show, performed in Scots with Gaelic songs, which explores Scottish culture, myths, history and identity. Join Martin and Macpherson on an oral odyssey spanning centuries of Scottish history, exploring the myths we tell each other and the stories we tell ourselves. Because it takes a lot ae imagination tae tell a true story. A National Theatre of Scotland Production. Written and performed by Martin O’Connor. Directed by Lu Kemp. Watch the Trailer Teaser here. CastMartin O’ConnorJosie DuncanMairi MorrisonClaire Frances MacNeil Creative TeamLu Kemp - DirectorMartin O’Connor - WriterOliver Searle – Music DirectorRachel O’Neill – Set & Costume DesignerEmma Bailey – Set & Costume DesignerRob Willoughby – Sound & Video DesignerMichaella Fee – Lighting DesignerAlasdair Whyte – Gaelic ConsultantThierry Mabonga – Trainee Director Enhanced Performances Tue 8 Apr: Audio description by Emma-Jane McHenryOpen captioning by Alison PendlowskiWed 9 Apr: BSL interpretation by Catherine King

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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LGBTQ+, Storytelling

Queer Folks' Tales

(Thu 10 Apr: 7:30pm) Welcome to Queer Folks’ Tales, our hugely popular bi-monthly storytelling series where queer storytellers from a diverse range of backgrounds, ages and cultures around Edinburgh and Scotland share stories of LGBTQ+ lives, past, present and future. Sometimes hilarious, often moving, occasionally shocking, the mix of true and fictional stories across the year is as varied as the range of storytellers invited. Household names feature alongside new and diverse queer storytellers from the different communities of Scotland. Many of the stories told in the Queer Folks' Tales evenings will be true stories of LGBTQ+ experience in Scotland today. Hosted by Edinburgh’s Turan Ali. ~~~~~ Turan Ali has been a producer, director and writer of BBC radio dramas and comedies for over 20 years. He’s been a stage storyteller since 2012, and a stand up since 2021. He tours internationally and has two sell out monthly storytelling shows in Vienna. Turan is the creator, producer and host of Queer Folks’ Tales for which he won the Creative Edinburgh Leadership Award 2024. QFT now tours across Scotland and is Creative Scotland funded. Bee Asha is an Edinburgh spoken word artist, working between rap and poetry. She was in the Scottish female rap trio The Honey Farm, and co-founded the award-winning charity The Spit it Out Project. Her first EP ‘From Girl to Men’ won the SAMA’s best newcomer in 2022, and was shortlisted for BBC Introducing Scottish Act of the Year 2024. Her new album, Goodbye, Gracious was been longlisted for Scottish Album of the Year 2024. Finn Brodie is a Glasgow based indie-folk musician who has been writing songs and playing gigs since he was 15. Now in his 20s, and having come out as trans, Brodie’s songs are packed with emotion and vulnerability, and are produced by his long-time collaborator Andy Monaghan of Frightened Rabbit. Brodie’s new work consists of intimate, bittersweet studies of identity, relationships and growing up, including his debut EP Home Run. Sam Lake is a celebrated Edinburgh-based stand up who is fresh off a nationwide tour of his critically acclaimed show 'Aspiring DILF' & an award nominated Edinburgh Fringe Run of his new show 'Esméralda'. Sam is also a comedian and host on the podcast 'I've Had a Rosé, Let's Talk About Feelings'. He’s been seen on the TV network Dave's 'The Comedy Guide to Life', All4's 'The Joy of Missing Out', and on 'Breaking The News' (BBC Scotland). ★★★★★ 'Edinburgh's most vibrant, authentic and exciting storytelling event' (The Wee Review)★★★★★ 'Utterly fabulous' (TheQR.co.uk)★★★★★ (BroadwayBaby.com) Queer Folks' Tales is supported by Creative Scotland

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Workshop, Conference, Talks & Lectures, Development

North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) 2025

(Fri 11 - Sun 13 Apr) The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you are a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Delegate Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. Once you have your Pass, you can get to booking! You must book a ticket for each event you plan to attend. If you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). You also have the option of booking individual events, which are priced at £10/£8 concession. View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. The programme is also available in PDF format. ~~~~~ Guest singers and speakers include:Dr. Mollie Stone (USA)Prof. Susanne Rosenberg (Sweden)Alasdair Whyte (Scotland)Robyn Stapleton (Scotland)Dominie Hooper (England)Neil McDermot (Scotland)Ró Ó hEadhra (Scotland)Dr. Rebecca Draisey-Collishaw (England/Canada)Ruth Keggin (Isle of Man)Nuala Kennedy (Ireland) Board and Associates attending include:Brian Ó hEadhra (Scotland/Ireland)Emma Björling (Sweden)Molly Gawler (USA)Anna Wikénius (Sweden)Lotta Andersson (Sweden)Tom Besford (England)Dr. Esbjörn Wettermark (Sweden/England) For more information on NASC please visit the North Atlantic Song Convention website. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Multiple Spaces

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Conference, Talks & Lectures

NASC Keynote Address

(Fri 11 Apr: 1:30pm) Join Professor Susanne Rosenberg and the North Atlantic Song Convention for the opening keynote address of 2025! Professor Rosenberg is folk singer, educator and academic. She has been a pioneer in rediscovering the old Swedish style of folk singing and using it in new artistic environments including working with contemporary composers and directors and with her own groups. Susanne has developed the folk singing environment in Sweden by innovative research in kulning (herding calls), folk song style, improvisation among other topics. She is professor of folk singing at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Learn more about her work on her website. After the keynote address there will be a few songs led by guest performers with chorus lyrics provided on screen. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Conference, Talks & Lectures

NASC Panel: Community Singing

(Fri 11 Apr: 3pm) The panel will discuss how group singing strengthens communities, preserves cultural heritage, and creates lasting connections. From informal pub sessions to established choirs, they will explore different approaches to collective singing, sharing practical insights and inspiring stories of how a communal voice can bring people together. This talk is for anyone interested in starting or joining a singing group, leading community songs, or simply learning more about the transformative power of singing together. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Workshop, Conference

NASC Workshop: Scots Song

(Fri 11 Apr: 3pm) Join acclaimed Scottish singer Robyn Stapleton for an engaging workshop exploring the richness of Scots song. Drawing from her extensive repertoire and deep understanding of the tradition, Robyn will guide participants through the distinctive features of Scots song, including language, style, and ornamentation. Participants will discover the stories behind the songs while learning techniques for authentic delivery and interpretation. Whether you're new to Scots song or looking to enhance your existing knowledge, Robyn's warm and encouraging teaching style makes this workshop accessible to all. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Conference, Talks & Lectures

NASC Discussion: Local and Global Song

(Fri 11 Apr: 4:30pm) This panel explores songs as tools to put in your pocket to take out at the right time. Work songs, lullabies, sea shanties, rowing songs, songs for social change and songs of the land and place, there is a song for every season and occasion. But how do folk songs fit into contemporary lives? Discussion will cover how we can embrace songs in our own homes, kitchens, fields, towns, pubs, forests and song circles of all kinds. Connecting singing and songs with everyday life allows us to connect across cultures and be part of a global song circle. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Spoken Word, Poetry

Loud Poets

(Fri 11 Apr: 7:30pm) Don’t miss the next fantastic show from Scotland’s premiere spoken word night! For over ten years, Loud Poets has been showcasing the best spoken word poetry from Scotland and beyond. Expect fist-thumping, heart-wrenching, side-tickling poetry performances with live musical accompaniment. April's line-up features Janette Ayachi, Kate Ireland, Fiona Jane & Raymond Wilson. “Loud Poets is tearing up the landscape, bringing the ancient art to contemporary audiences – spreading mirth, giggles and talent along the way.” - Corr Blimey “Go listen to Loud Poets and hear them say the things you’ve been trying to say yourself.” - Shane Koyczan “There’s a humour, poignancy and most of all confidence which serves to inspire.” - Scotsman

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Conference, Song

NASC Singing Session

(Fri 11 Apr: 8pm) North Atlantic Song Convention Delegates are invited to an informal singing session in the heart of Edinburgh’s historic Royal Mile. Singers and song enthusiasts will gather for an evening of shared songs, stories, and camaraderie in a cosy pub setting. Whether you’d like to lead a song, join in a chorus, or simply enjoy the atmosphere, this is the perfect chance to connect through music and celebrate singing traditions. Please note that there is limited capacity due to venue constraints. There is no level access available. Attendees with access needs should contact the Convention team on northatlanticsong@gmail.com. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Canons' Gait

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Workshop, Conference

NASC Workshop: Swedish Mouth Music

(Sat 12 Apr: 10am) Explore Swedish mouth music with Lotta Andersson, renowned singer from the acclaimed vocal group Kongero. In this interactive workshop, Lotta will guide you through the unique vocal techniques and rhythmic patterns used in traditional Swedish folk singing. Learn how these folk melodies were historically used for storytelling, herding, and dance accompaniment, and experience the joy of creating music with just your voice. Open to all levels — no prior experience required. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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NASC Annual Meeting and Future Planning

(Sun 12 Apr: 10:30am) Join us for the NASC Annual Meeting, where attendees can share their experiences, reflect on the convention, and help shape the future of the North Atlantic Song Convention. This is a valuable opportunity to connect with fellow participants, exchange ideas, and discuss next steps for fostering collaboration and celebrating the song traditions of the North Atlantic region. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Conference, Talks & Lectures

NASC Panel: Curating a Place to Sing - From Kitchen to Stadium

(Sat 12 Apr: 11:30am) An engaging discussion on the art and evolution of curating spaces for folk song. From intimate kitchen gatherings to grand concert performances, this panel explores how songs are presented and shared in different contexts and for diverse audiences. Gain insights into the challenges and opportunities of creating engaging experiences, whether for small, close-knit groups or large-scale events. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Workshop, Conference

NASC Workshop: Scottish Gaelic Song

(Sat 12 Apr: 11:30am) Join Alasdair Whyte, celebrated Gaelic singer and scholar from the Isle of Mull, for an inspiring workshop exploring the rich tradition of Scottish Gaelic song. Alasdair will share his deep knowledge of the language, history, and cultural significance behind the songs. Participants will learn traditional songs, gain insights into Gaelic pronunciation, and learn about the stories behind the songs. This workshop is open to all, whether you're new to Gaelic song or looking to deepen your connection to the tradition. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Conference, Song

NASC Open Song Circle: Songs of the Sea

(Sat 12 Apr: 1:30pm) Gather 'round and share sea-inspired songs in this open song circle, celebrating the connection between people and the ocean. Whether you’re a seasoned singer or simply love to listen, all are welcome to contribute a song or story related to the sea. From haunting ballads and lively shanties to personal favourites, this is a space to honour the maritime traditions that have shaped cultures across the North Atlantic region. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Conference, Talks & Lectures

NASC Panel: Singing Lives Lived - Songwriting and Tradition

(Sat 12 Apr: 3:30pm) Explore the interplay between songwriting and tradition in this thought-provoking panel discussion where the panellists delve into how personal experiences, cultural heritage and traditional influences shape the creation of songs. Discover how contemporary songwriting can honour and evolve long-standing traditions while reflecting the lives and stories of today. This is a must for anyone interested in the art of songwriting, the preservation of tradition, and the ways in which music connects past and present. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Conference, Song

NASC Concert: The North Atlantic Song Connection

(Sat 12 Apr: 7:30pm) Enjoy an unforgettable evening of song featuring a stunning line-up of international and local artists. This special event showcases the rich diversity of traditional songs from across the North Atlantic region, celebrating the unique voices and cultures that connect us. From beautiful ballads to rousing choruses, this concert promises to be a highlight of the weekend — don’t miss it! Performers include local Scottish singers Alasdair Whyte and Robyn Stapleton; Emma Björling, Anna Wikénius and Lotta Andersson from Sweden; Dominie Hooper and Ruth Keggin from England and Isle of Man respectively, Irish singer Nuala Kennedy and guest from the USA Molly Gawler. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Conference, Song

NASC Open Song Circle

(Sun 12 Apr: 11:30am) Bring the North Atlantic Song Convention to a heartfelt close with a final song circle. This informal gathering is a chance for attendees to share one last song, reflect on the weekend, and celebrate the connections made through music. Whether you’d like to sing, listen, or simply soak up the atmosphere, this is the perfect way to wrap up the convention in true NASC spirit. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Storytelling Ceilidh with the Burgh Blatherers

(Wed 16 Apr: 7pm) Join Edinburgh's own Burgh Blatherers for a series of regular open-floor storytelling nights taking place throughout the year, a cosy gathering in the relaxed surroundings of the Storytelling Court with refreshments available from the Haggis Box Café. Hosted by Bob Mitchell and members of Burgh Blatherers storytelling club, who will transport you with their own stories and imaginative weavings while offering you the chance to tell your own tales! Hunting, growing, cooking, feasting, food for the belly or food for the mind. Dreamers, seekers, thinkers. Tell us a tale to fill us up or leave us wanting more…

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Music, Song, Storytelling

Songs, Shanties, Sagas & Stories - Evening Concert

(Fri 18 Apr: 7pm) Join performers from Denmark and Scotland for song, story, shanty and saga about Vikings, pirates and the sea! Christine Kammerer (song, story, lyre, keyboard) from Denmark is celebrated for her fusion of Nordic and Celtic folk music, blending symphonic elements with ancient songs and cross-cultural storytelling. Christine also specialises in early music/Viking Age music. Step aboard and join traditional singer Joss Cameron for an evening of rousing songs and captivating tales of Scotland’s rich maritime history, featuring Amy Dudley and Steve Tyler (song, story, keyboard and guitar). They will take you on journey though the lives of sailors, fisherfolk and wanderers who braved the waves, with haunting melodies and audience participation – a celebration of our maritime heritage. Available for free with the Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Workshop, Song, Storytelling

Family Workshop: Pirates, Stories & Songs of the High Seas with Joss Cameron

(Sat 19 Apr: 10:30am) Join Joss Cameron for a sea-faring workshop with hands on experience that brings maritime history and songs to life. With her expertise in maritime history, sea shanties and storytelling, the immersive experience welcomes all sailors and explorers to join in! Suitable for families and children of all ages. Available for free with a Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Workshop, Music, Song

From Shieling to Støl with Rose Logan

(Sat 19 Apr: 10:30am) From the Isle of Raasay to the mountains of Norway, join Rose Logan to explore & learn the music which accompanied traditional farming life at summer grazing pastures. Available for free with the Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Workshop, Song

Swedish Tunes with Kristina Leesik

(Sat 19 Apr: 12pm) Kristina Leesik is a "Riksspelman" (national folk musician) of tunes from Södermanland in Sweden. In this workshop you'll be learning tunes from Kristina's repertoire, with focus on Swedish fiddle techniques and groove. Available for free with the Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Workshop, Song

Viking & Danish Songs & the Lyre with Christine Kammerer

(Sat 19 Apr: 2:15pm) Christine Kammerer specialises in early music/Viking Age music. This workshop will take you back to the Viking Age with songs and tunes on the lyre as well as Danish folk songs of today. No prior knowledge of the Danish language is required! Available for free with the Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Trad Songs & Sea Shanties with Joss Cameron

(Sat 19 Apr: 3:45pm) Joss Cameron is a traditional Scots singer from Leith, known for her deep connection to her traveller cultural roots. She has performed internationally sharing her rich heritage of traditional music with audiences around the world. Her repertoire often includes folk songs, ballads and sea shanties, a breadth of knowledge she will share in this workshop. Available for free with the Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Dance, Music, Song

Evening Concert and Ceilidh

(Sat 19 Apr: 7pm) Join musicians from Norway, Sweden and Scotland for a performance in the Netherbow Theatre, followed by a ceilidh featuring the performers playing for dances being taught from Scotland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark (possibly Viking ‘steps’) plus a few songs from the guest singers at the Festival! Gro-Marthe Dickson is a Norwegian singer that has been put in the big genre box called jazz; this is where she gets her musical freedom from as well. But her experience and background are also from folk, soul, and even pop music. During her upbringing there was gospel, jazz and Scottish folk tunes at home, and there was always an instrument available – including the voice – around the house. Her latest project is exploring connecting with the heritage of her Scottish granny! Kristina Leesik, Anna Whiteford and Rose Logan are active musicians in Scotland, Norway, Finland and Sweden. Through fiddle, accordion and hardingfele they create a magical bond between these countries and traditions with polskas, reinländer, jigs and reels. Available for free with the Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Workshop, Song

Songs and Singing of Norway with Gro-Marthe Dickson

(Sun 20 Apr: 12:30pm) Join this inspiring workshop and get a glimpse of the rich traditions of Norwegian folk music. Learn how to bring ancient melodies to life through voice and storytelling. We’ll also explore the beauty of traditional vocal style called kveding and you might find a few similarities to Scottish folk music as well. No prior experience is needed — just curiosity and a passion for music. Perfect for anyone eager to explore the soul of Norwegian folk traditions. Available for free with the Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Music, Song

Open Music & Song Session

(Sun 20 Apr: 2pm) Round off the festival by playing, singing, maybe dancing or simply enjoying great music made together. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Socratic Circles

(Fri 25 Apr: 10:45am) Join the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland for the opening festival dance theatre matinee to celebrate the finale of Socratic Circles - an unique approach to co-devising dance theatre with young people. Socratic Circles revolves around a dialogue between 20 dance artists-in-residence at Edinburgh’s Abbeyhill and Royal Mile Primary Schools and sixty 11-year-old pupils. The dance theatre weaves in the children’s ideas, drawings and poems about the wee objects selected by each pupil to represent their diverse heritage. See the resident dancers, all postgraduate students in Dance Science and Education at the University of Edinburgh, perform alongside the resident musician Aga Idczak to choreography by Sotirios Panagoulias and costume design by Gerry Gapinski. The show lasts about 30 minutes and will be followed by a post-show Q&A with some of the creatives and special guests. Funded by the University of Edinburgh through the Edinburgh Local Community Fund and curated by the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland in an ongoing academic partnership with the Centre for Research in Education, Inclusion and Diversity (CREID) at Moray House School of Education and Sport as part of Pomegranates, Scotland's springtime festival of world trad dance and its links with live music, film, poetry, art, craft and fashion. Find out more about Pomegranates Festival 2025, or you can keep up with Pomegranates as well as year-round TDFS activity by signing up to the TDFS newsletter.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Dance, Film

World Trad Dance on Screen

(Fri 25 Apr: 6:30pm) A packed programme of short films addressing the global genre gap of traditional dance on screen. Experience a space where choreography and cinematography merge to tell a story rooted in traditional dance from Scottish Step and Highland to Indian Classical, East African, Chinese, Pacific, Punjabi and Hip Hop. Expect two works by award-winning Canadian filmmaker Marlene Millar: To Begin the Dance Once More (2023) and Bhairava (2018). The programme also includes The Bright Fabric of Life (2024, Dir. Mare Tralla), Autocorrect (2022, Dir. Jonzi D), Crowned by Flame (2024, Dir. Lyuxian Yu); Home (2023, Dir. Kes Tagney feat. Sophie Stephenson); Armea (2024. Dir. Letila Mitchell) and On Canada Day (2024, Dir. Gurdeep Pandher). The hour-long film programme will be followed by a Q&A with some of the filmmakers and creatives. Curated by the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland as part of Pomegranates, Scotland's springtime festival of world trad dance and its links with live music, poetry, art, craft, film and fashion. Find out more about Pomegranates Festival 2025, or you can keep up with Pomegranates as well as year-round TDFS activity by signing up to the TDFS newsletter.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Guid Crack: Wicked Ways Into Fame and Fortune

(Fri 25 Apr: 7:30pm) "Did you deal with the Devil, did you sell your soul?" We live in uncertain times, as support for social and health care is cut, and living costs spiral. On the other hand the rich and ruthless rule the world gaining more than they could ever need. But we know from stories that there are many wicked and devilish ways into fame and fortune, and sometimes a deal can be made to help smooth the way. Not without consequence... Another open session of Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club held upstairs in the Waverley Bar, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem around the theme or otherwise. Featuring a different host every month and a special guest storyteller. ~~~~~ Our guest storyteller this month is Riikka Palonen. Riikka has worked as a storyteller for over 15 years, orginally in Finland and in recent years across the UK from Oxford to Orkney, and internationally from Morocco to Lapland. She is fascinated in stories that can transport her to other worlds of fairy tale, myth and magic. Riikka often works in collaboration with her husband, folk musician Richard Clarke, to create popular song and story performances. Hosted by Donald Smith. Presented by the Scottish Storytelling Forum.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue The Waverley Bar

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Workshop, Storytelling

Starting with Stories

(Sat 26 Apr: 10:30am) A hands-on, practical introduction to live storytelling and the associated skills. Storyteller Ruth Kirkpatrick leads this participatory session for anyone curious about discovering and developing their own storytelling talent. Let out your inner storyteller and learn to craft your skills. For new and aspiring storytellers. ~~~~~~~~~~ Our participatory sessions are designed to help you improve your skills and share your experiences with fellow storytelling enthusiasts. This carefully curated workshop programme offers you the chance to work with highly-skilled and experienced artists, giving you guidance on improving your practice and discovering your own talent. Did you know? Members of the Scottish Storytelling Forum are entitled to discounted rates on our storytelling workshops. For more information on memberships please visit the Storytelling Forum website. ~~~~~~~~~~ Pay it Forward If you are willing and able to donate a workshop place to another person, you now can! Click the button above and select the ticket price to donate. We will then be able to offer a free place to someone who would not have been able to attend otherwise. If you feel the Pay It Forward scheme would benefit you and would like to request a free ticket please email our Reception Team where you will be allocated a ticket if available. We hold 1 space per workshop for Pay It Forward requests.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Training Venue

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Trad Dance as Intangible Cultural Heritage

(Mon 28 Apr: 6:30pm) Gather in for an evening of blether about Intangible Cultural Heritage and its relationship with Scottish traditional dance. Hear from special guests and enjoy wee sets from Scottish Country, Highland and Step dance artists, as well as Polonaise, which was inscribed in the UNESCO representative list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of humanity in December 2023. Preview the premiere sharing of Sequins – a new hip-hop and Congolese trad dance theatre solo show by Kalubi Mukangela-Jacoby set to the Pomegranates Festival spoken word commission Sequins of Poems to Dance To by Ian McMillan. The programme lasts about 90 minutes and will be followed by an opportunity to mingle and network at which all are welcome. Curated by the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland as part of Pomegranates, Scotland's springtime festival of world trad dance and its links with live music, film, poetry, art, craft and fashion. Find out more about Pomegranates Festival 2025, or you can keep up with Pomegranates as well as year-round TDFS activity by signing up to the TDFS newsletter.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Hidden Faces

(Tue 29 Apr: 6:30pm) Celebrate UNESCO International Day of Dance with the Pomegranates flagship show choreographed by Pomegranates Festival hip hop dance theatre artist-in-residence Jonzi D (back by popular demand!) and a dozen dancers and musicians wearing newly commissioned masks by the festival heritage craft artist-in-residence Lorraine Pritchard. “Following my Pomegranates festival debut last year, I am really honoured to be invited back as this year’s choreographer-in-residence, plus I am particularly partial to the new festival theme of masks. Traditional dance is important, including masked dance, because it represents living heritage while celebrating difference. I think we’ve reached a period in society where our differences are being used against us; our differences are being used to keep us separated; our differences are being used as judgmental tools. Manufactured polarisation. But our infinite differences define our identities, and still we have more in common than we have apart. Pomegranates Festival celebrates our differences.” - Jonzi D The programme lasts about 60 minutes and will be followed by an opportunity to mingle and network at which all are welcome. Curated by the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland as part of Pomegranates, Scotland's springtime festival of world trad dance and its links with live music, film, poetry, art, craft and fashion. Find out more about Pomegranates Festival 2025, or you can keep up with Pomegranates as well as year-round TDFS activity by signing up to the TDFS newsletter.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Spoken Word, Poetry

Loud Poets

(Thu 1 May: 7:30pm) Don’t miss the next fantastic show from Scotland’s premiere spoken word night! For over ten years, Loud Poets has been showcasing the best spoken word poetry from Scotland and beyond. Expect fist-thumping, heart-wrenching, side-tickling poetry performances with live musical accompaniment. Check back soon for the full line-up! “Loud Poets is tearing up the landscape, bringing the ancient art to contemporary audiences – spreading mirth, giggles and talent along the way.” - Corr Blimey “Go listen to Loud Poets and hear them say the things you’ve been trying to say yourself.” - Shane Koyczan “There’s a humour, poignancy and most of all confidence which serves to inspire.” - Scotsman

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Music, Song


(Fri 2 May: 7:30pm) MAIK are a brand new folk duo from either side of the Scotland/England border. Two experienced folk singers in their own right, Jamie Cook and Kirsty Law have joined forces to bring some of their most beloved songs together. Through their arrangements they tell stories both ancient and contemporary, in harmonies that are at times stark and dissonant, and at times warm and lush, in a mix of Scots language, Cumbrian dialect and English. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Family-friendly, Beltane

Mini Mummers Parade Prep

(Sat 3 May: 10am) Join the Family Beltane crew for a morning of mask decoration, crafting and face painting ahead of the May Day Parade. Fun for all the family, please come in Mummers costume if desired! Afterwards, all are welcome to join the May Day Parade or watch and enjoy as it passes down the High Street. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Workshop, Storytelling, Gaelic

An Introduction to Gaelic Storytelling

(Sat 3 May: 10:30am) Join Gaelic storyteller Martin MacIntyre for an introductory session exploring the history, importance and joy in Gaelic storytelling culture in Scotland. Martin was the University of Edinburgh’s first Gaelic Writer in Residence (2022-24) and is an accomplished storyteller, poet and author. This is a bilingual event in English with some content in Gaelic. No prior knowledge of Scottish Gaelic is required to attend, everyone welcome! Presented by the Scottish Storytelling Forum. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Training Venue

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May Day

May Day Parade: Action for Justice

(Sat 3 May: 11:30am) Artists, performers and culture workers of all kinds are called to join Tradfest musicians and mummers on the Edinburgh and Lothians May Day procession. Gather at 11.30am at Parliament Square by St Giles Cathedral for a 12pm departure down the High Street to The Pleasance, where there will be a rally, music and stalls. Greenery and instruments welcome! ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue External Venue

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Family-friendly, Beltane

Family Beltane

(Sat 3 May: 1:30pm & 3pm) This delightful Beltane Fire Society tradition allows parents to share in the magic of the Beltane story with their little ones through storytelling, face painting and arts & crafts. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Music, Song, Storytelling

A Necklace of Stories from the Highlands & Islands

(Sat 3 May: 7:30pm) Be transported to the magical Hebridean Islands and the Highlands of Scotland through stories and legends collected by folklorist Otta Swire, who captured the spirit and traditions of a bygone era. With story, music and imagery, storytellers Bea Ferguson and Heather Yule explore the captivating tales of these lands, and the people and strange creatures who dwelt there. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Music, Family-friendly, Storytelling, Dance

Easy Sundays: Family Ceilidh

(Sun 4 May: 1pm) Come with family and friends to dance Scottish dances and sing well-known songs with the Minnow Ceilidh Band. All dances will be called and there'll be easy-to-follow circles for wee ones. A fun introduction to sociable dancing with live music. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Dowally + Philippe Boudot: Ici et Là-Bas

(Sun 4 May: 8pm) Cinematic-folk duo Dowally and innovative French drummer Philippe Boudot celebrate the release of their album Ici et Là-Bas, recorded last year in Edinburgh. Dowally have become renowned for their collaborations with top musicians such as Phil Alexander (Moishe's Bagel) and Ciaran Ryan (Dallahan). Their latest partnership with in-demand drummer Philippe Boudot (currently touring with renowned songwriter Clara Ysé) sees the duo at their most creative, making lyrical, joyful music, whilst anchored to their folk beginnings. Over the course of a single week, they wrote and recorded an entire album, with voice, fiddle, guitar, drums and percussion. That freshness is apparent across the tracks, ranging from epic morricone-esque compositions and new folk tunes, to yearning songs in both English and French. Watch a short Trailer here ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Hip Hop Story Stop! Old Edinburgh Street Games & Stories

(Mon 5 May: 1pm) Experience the spirit of Edinburgh’s streets as they once were - full of fun, folklore, and adventure. Join Claire McNicol and Fergus McNicol for a lively, family-friendly session of traditional street games, playful rhymes, toe-tapping songs, and captivating tales from Old Edinburgh! Discover games that once filled the city's closes and wynds with laughter, while learning the chants and songs passed down through generations. Listen to stories of Edinburgh’s past, of mischievous bairns, bustling markets, and the hijinks of the Old Town. A perfect blend of history, play and imagination! ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Book Launch, Storytelling

Scotland’s Ancient Goddess: Hidden in Plain Sight

(Mon 5 May: 4pm) In his new book Scotland’s Sacred Goddess: Hidden in Plain Sight (Luath Press), Stuart McHardy explores the pre-Christian beliefs of the Scottish people, where the Scots had a rich mythology of stories that explained the creation and workings of the world. Join Stuart to celebrate the book and hear how these ancient beliefs are not lost but can be seen in today’s cultural and physical landscape, in a mix of ancient oral tales, place names, local rhymes and landscape shapes. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Music, Poetry, Song, Tradfest

Cafe Ceilidh

(Tue 6 May: 2pm) Celebrate Edinburgh's Tradfest with friends from the Scots Music Group! An afternoon session of traditional songs, music, poems and stories, held in the relaxed setting of the Storytelling Court. All welcome to listen or bring a tune for a turn.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Song, Storytelling

Stories and Songs in the North-East Bothy Tradition

(Tue 6 May: 7:30pm) A wonderful evening of stories, music and song celebrating the bothy culture of rural North East Scotland. Join ballad singer Allan Taylor, fiddler Karin Paterson and storytellers Phyll McBain and Jackie Ross for a ceilidh of land, laughter and a hearty dollop of Doric! ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Folk, Song

Let Them Be Heard: Sangstream Scots Folk Choir

(Wed 7 May: 7:30pm) Songs from the people of Scotland; voices of the excluded, the marginalised, the feared and the fearful, the enchanted and the enchanters, the mothers, the fathers, the workers, the children... let them all be heard. Sangstream, the a cappella Scots folk choir now in its 28th year, led by the renowned Corrina Hewat, is excited to perform their rich choice of songs arranged by Corrina and previous leaders such as Mairi Campbell and Robyn Stapleton. Songs revealing truths from deep in history to more recent tales, all relevant to life in Scotland today. ~~~~~ Sangstream Scots Folk Choir is Edinburgh-based, with weekly Thursday rehearsals at St Thomas of Aquin’s. The choir is open to all with no audition needed to join. Their repertoire is mainly unaccompanied Scots folk songs, both traditional and modern. They also have a regular monthly Saturday afternoon session at the Canons’ Gait in the Old Town. Since their founding in 1997 they have been led by some of Scotland’s finest traditional voices – Christine Kydd, Jenny Clark, Mairi Campbell, Robyn Stapleton and, for 8 years, Corrina Hewat who is celebrating 30 years in the arts as musician and composer, having a wide and varied background of music and theatre. Sangstream aims to provide the opportunity for people to learn about and share Scots songs and traditions and to carry these songs out into the wider community. You can find out more about becoming a member of Sangstream at sangstream.org.uk. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Music, Storytelling

Hearth Fire Sessions

(Thu 8 May: 7:30pm) Welcome to an eclectic night of ancient myth, contemporary storytelling, post-folk music, and physical artistry. Steeped in the traditions of Scottish storytelling, we evoke the warm atmosphere of peat-smoked hearthsides and ceilidh house revelry, presenting timeless motifs relevant to a discerning modern audience. Join host Dougie Mackay as he invites a different selection of Scotland’s finest storytellers, songwriters, musicians, and performing artists to each bi-monthly Hearth Fire Session to create an innovative showcase of Scotland’s contemporary culture. May's session features storyteller Niall Moorjani, Moroccan filmmakers/storytellers Tizintizwa (Nadir Bouhmouch and Soumeya Ait Ahmed) and musician Evie Waddell. ~~~~~ Niall Moorjani is a non-binary, mixed Scots-Indian writer and storyteller. They are fascinated by the fantastical, the historical, and the liminal and have written and performed many shows, including A Fairie Tale and Mohan: A Partition Story at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and the Scottish International Storytelling Festival. They are also the founder and host of the Tales at The Tavern/Lighthouse open mic story night in London/Edinburgh. Niall's work has been described as ‘genius reinvention of the form’ (Fringe of Colour). Tizintizwa (Nadir Bouhmouch and Soumeya Ait Ahmed) is a Moroccan art-research collective that fosters collective creation and cross-pollination across disciplines. They collaborate with rural communities to document oral traditions and explore ecological transformations. Their work emphasizes the importance of transgenerational transmission, land relations, and the interplay between nature and culture, showcased at notable venues worldwide. They will also perform at SSC as part of the Folk Film Gathering on Fri 9 May. Evie Waddell is a Gaelic and Scots singer, and fiddler hailing from Stirlingshire. She graduated from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and her passion for Scottish music is deeply rooted in the influence of Jo Miller, also drawing inspiration from Ivor Cutler, Martyn Bennett, Lisa O Neill, and Rhiannon Giddens. Evie also performs in British Sign Language (BSL) and has directed and toured her own show 'Fàilte Gu BSL' as well as performing with Theatre Gu Leòr. She was a winner of the Danny Kyle Open Stage 2023 and was a BBC Young Traditional Musician Semi-Finalist 2024. Evie released her visual EP 'Cluich!' in February 2024. Dougie Mackay hails from the Scottish Highlands, from a lineage of natural storytellers. He is fascinated by the wild northern tales of Scotland, Scandinavia, Ireland and the Baltics, with a practice steeped in group-work facilitation and storytelling as a tool for development, connection and empowerment. He has been telling stories professionally for over 10 years and has developed successful long-form shows including Animate Lands and A Wolf Shall Devour the Sun. He co-curates and hosts Hearth Fire Sessions throughout the year. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Music, Storytelling

Bog Standard

(Fri 9 May: 6pm) Bog Standard is the gripping true story of a tip off which led a rookie journalist to one of the most important archaeological finds of the 20th century. It’s also a story about a magical bogland called Lindow Moss, two murders 1500 years apart, and how an ancient bog man became a 21st-century eco warrior. Award-winning health journalist and storyteller Rachel Pugh and prize-winning harpist Lucy Nolan collaborate in a show weaving words, music and natural bog sounds from the UK and Kyrgyzstan to recreate the nail-biting days of 1984 when Rachel fought to save Lindow Man from ending up in a bag of compost! Directed by Marion Kenny. Watch a short Trailer here ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Folk Film Gathering, Storytelling, Film

The Legend of the Anonymous Poet (Or a 20th Century Barbarian Account)

(Fri 9 May: 8:30pm) Blending historic events, Moroccan popular myths and magical fiction, this special live performance from filmmaker/storytellers Nadir Bouhmouch and Soumeya Ait Ahmed combines film, lecture and storytelling, showcasing the Tizintizwa Collective’s field recordings of ancestral oral poems, epic ballads and women's work songs to create a folktale-like account of the 20th century "Roman" conquest of Morocco from a "barbarian" perspective. Part of the Folk Film Gathering 2025. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Children, Arts & Crafts, Storytelling

Sunshine Stories: Sensory Stories and Play

(Sat 10 May: 11am) Join storyteller Ailie Finlay from My Kind of Book on a fun-packed, sensory adventure for May time as we head off through the green grass and squelchy bogs of Scotland! Lively traditional tales, inclusive games and lots of props to bounce and squeeze, followed by a calming session with play dough. A fun and engaging session for everyone but particularly suitable for children with additional needs and their families and friends. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Workshop, Music, Storytelling

Storytelling for Musicians

(Sat 10 May: 1:30pm) For musicians who want to be better storytellers on stage! Learn how to improve your patter and song introductions with some basic rules of storytelling. An interactive and fun session led by experienced musician and storyteller David Francis, where you will learn how to stay grounded, be aware of your audience and try different introductions to songs and music, with honest and useful feedback. Presented by the Traditional Music Forum. David Francis has been involved in folk music in Scotland for around 40 years as a folk club organiser, musician, researcher and administrator and is also involved in other aspects of the folk arts such as dance and storytelling. As a musician, David is known for his guitar and songwriting work in duo The Cast with his wife Mairi Campbell, with whom he recorded and toured in the 90s and 00s. The duo was nudged into the spotlight and temporary solvency when their version of Robert Burns’s Auld Lang Syne was picked up for the film of the hit TV show Sex and the City. He worked with the Traditional Music Forum and TRACS until his recent retirement but continues to stay involved through other organisations like the European Folk Network. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Training Venue

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Walking Tour

Transforming Auld Reekie: Walking Tour

(Sat 10 May: 2pm) A walking tour around the sights and sounds of Edinburgh’s Old Town with artist/curator Claudia Zeiske. Walk along Edinburgh’s High Street in the footsteps of philosopher/community planner Patrick Geddes, taking in the buildings, stories and green spaces that maintain Geddes’ legacy of ecology, culture and creativity. Claudia Zeiske is a cultural activist and Walking Curator. Her practice stems from Deveron Projects in rural Scotland where she was the founding Director. Here ‘the town is the venue’ rather than a gallery or arts centre based on a balanced approach between artistic criticality and community involvement. Her experiences come from participatory arts, linking local activities with global realities. You can find out more about Claudia by visiting her website. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Meet at Scottish Storytelling Centre

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Dance, Music, Storytelling

The Poet and the Moon: Lorca's Flamenco Soul

(Sat 10 May: 7:30pm) TuFlamenco presents a tribute to Federico García Lorca, Spain’s most iconic poet, through Flamenco’s rhythm, dance, and poetry. Three Spanish artists - Inma Montero (dance & vocals), Danielo Olivera (guitar & vocals), and Inés Álvarez Villa (storyteller) – explore the intense connection of the poet to flamenco in all its passion, tragedy, and beauty. Join us on this celebration of the rich Spanish cultural heritage! ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Remembering Douglas

(Sun 11 May: 11am, 1:30pm & 7pm) Join us for a celebration of independent film in Scotland through the lens of celebrated filmmaker Douglas Eadie. Across the day a selection of Douglas’s work will be shown including: 11am: Haston - A Life in the Mountains (plus Q&A featuring special guest, cameraman Douglas Campbell.)1:30pm: An Ceasnachadh - An Interrogation of a Highland Lass (plus Q&A with Kathleen MacInnes, Dolina MacLennan and Kenny MacRae) / Hydro Days (plus Q&A with Film Producer Christeen Whinford, Film Editor Fiona MacDonald and Film Director Robbie Fraser)7pm: Down Home (with Aly Bain, introduced by Mike Bolland who commissioned the original film for Channel 4) All hosted throughout by poet Jim Mackintosh and author James Robertson. Part of the Folk Film Gathering 2025. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Tales of the City

(Mon 19 May: 8pm) Eight local writers have each written a ten-minute play responding to Edinburgh’s 900th anniversary. Join Penpal Productions for this series of short pieces exploring what the city means to these diverse voices. Performed script in hand, the evening promises to be a fascinating and unique snapshot of Edinburgh’s remarkable history and people.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Stories on the Way

(Wed 21 May: 7:30pm) Come and enjoy live storytelling in the relaxed setting of the Netherbow Theatre, where the amazing apprentice storytellers will show off their skills and explore a different theme with every performance. Hosted by Janis Mackay and featuring a host of new storytelling voices.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Guid Crack: Tales of Wonder, Mystery and Imagination

(Fri 30 May: 7:30pm) As the wheel of the year begins to turn towards summer, join guest storyteller Kate Walker for tales of wonder, mystery and imagination. Expect stories of darkness and light, and stories to entertain and ponder! Hosted by Fiona Herbert. Another fun and friendly session of Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club held upstairs in the Waverley Bar, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem around the theme or otherwise. Featuring a different host every month and a special guest storyteller. ~~~~~ Brought up in a large family in West Fife, Kate Walker enjoys singing and storytelling with all ages. Her stories come from near and far, but she especially likes to tell tales with a Scottish flavour and loves to tell stories with a BIG message, a wee twist or a clever ending! In 2011 Kate set up her own business, ‘Chatterbox Stories’ and since then she has worked extensively with many different groups and participating in festivals and community events in Fife and central Scotland. With a keen interest in the environment, local history, Scottish traditions and culture, Kate uses her skills as a storyteller and teacher to interpret people’s lives, past events and the natural world through tales and song. Presented by the Scottish Storytelling Forum.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue The Waverley Bar

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Workshop, Song

Gaelic Waulking Songs with Katie Macfarlane

(Sat 7 Jun: 11am) Suitable for both Gaelic and non-Gaelic speakers, this workshop will focus on Scottish Gaelic songs that were used in the tradition of “waulking” the tweed - songs which were primarily composed and sung by women. Katie Macfarlane is a Gaelic singer from Airdrie who is greatly influenced by her connections to North Uist in the Outer Hebrides. She has had a passion for Gaelic song all her life and has been a semi-finalist in both BBC Radio Scotland's Young Traditional Musician and BBC Radio 2's Young Folk Award competitions. In 2018, Katie carried out an exchange of Gaelic and Catalan song while living in Barcelona and later released her debut EP Ciùine Na Mara in 2019 which is a mixture of the two styles and self-penned folk song. In 2023 Katie released her debut album An Nighean Sheunta (The Enchanted Girl) which is a celebration of the people and cultures that have inspired Katie's singing throughout her life. With a mix of Gaelic, Catalan, Scots and English song, it is an exploration of Katie's ancestry, the places she has lived, the people she has learned from, and traditions which must be nourished and maintained. Presented by the Traditional Music Forum, free for TMF members. Photo by Elly Lucas.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Workshop, Song, Scots

Scots Songs from Glasgow with Paul McKenna

(Sat 7 Jun: 1.30pm) Join Paul McKenna for an inspiring workshop as we explore a vibrant collection of songs from Glasgow, Greater Glasgow, and Paisley - areas steeped in rich industrial history. Many of these songs echo the struggles, triumphs, and stories of the working-class experience, while also weaving in classic themes of Scots song - love, life, and the land. A journey through melody and history not to be missed. Paul McKenna has long been ranked among Scotland's finest singers and songwriters, armed with a powerful yet intensely emotive voice and passionate social conscience, often expressed through his songs - a combination that has brought frequent comparisons to the great Dick Gaughan. Formed in 2006, The Paul McKenna Band have performed all across the world to much acclaim, and in 2024 took home the title of Scottish Folk Band of the Year at the prestigious MG ALBA Scots Trad Music Awards. Presented by the Traditional Music Forum, free for TMF members.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

Event Image
Folklore, Music, Storytelling


(Wed 11 June: 7:30pm) The moon begins to form as the moon spinners wash their wool in the sea, winding it again into a white ball in the sky and re-creating the phases and cycles that guide our seasons, and our stories... ~~~~~ Join us for our quarterly series of full-moon celebrations, with live storytelling, music and a rotating programme of incredible performers. Following the Celtic Wheel of the Year (the quarterly seasons of Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain) we look forward to moon myths, lunar legends and cross-cultural stories, revealing themes of creation, fertility, magic, mystery, death and rebirth. For our June session we welcome you under the full Strawberry Moon with another exciting lineup of storytellers and performers. ~~~~~ Moonspinners events will follow two distinct phases, with the first half of performance in the Netherbow Theatre, followed by a social and conversational flow upstairs in the Storytelling Court with a chance to digest and discuss the stories amongst friends old and new. Mark it in your diary, or just follow the moon to guide you here! ~~~~~ Image credit: Hester Aspland

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

Event Image
LGBTQ+, Storytelling

Queer Folks' Tales

(Thu 12 Jun: 7:30pm) Welcome to Queer Folks’ Tales, our hugely popular bi-monthly storytelling series where queer storytellers from a diverse range of backgrounds, ages and cultures around Edinburgh and Scotland share stories of LGBTQ+ lives, past, present and future. Sometimes hilarious, often moving, occasionally shocking, the mix of true and fictional stories across the year is as varied as the range of storytellers invited. Household names feature alongside new and diverse queer storytellers from the different communities of Scotland. Many of the stories told in the Queer Folks' Tales evenings will be true stories of LGBTQ+ experience in Scotland today. Hosted by Edinburgh’s Turan Ali. ~~~~~ Turan Ali has been a producer, director and writer of BBC radio dramas and comedies for over 20 years. He’s been a stage storyteller since 2012, and a stand up since 2021. He tours internationally and has two sell out monthly storytelling shows in Vienna. Turan is the creator, producer and host of Queer Folks’ Tales for which he won the Creative Edinburgh Leadership Award 2024. QFT now tours across Scotland and is Creative Scotland funded. ★★★★★ 'Edinburgh's most vibrant, authentic and exciting storytelling event' (The Wee Review)★★★★★ 'Utterly fabulous' (TheQR.co.uk)★★★★★ (BroadwayBaby.com) Queer Folks' Tales is supported by Creative Scotland

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Spoken Word, Poetry

Loud Poets

(Fri 13 Jun: 7:30pm) Don’t miss the next fantastic show from Scotland’s premiere spoken word night! For over ten years, Loud Poets has been showcasing the best spoken word poetry from Scotland and beyond. Expect fist-thumping, heart-wrenching, side-tickling poetry performances with live musical accompaniment. Check back soon for the full line-up! “Loud Poets is tearing up the landscape, bringing the ancient art to contemporary audiences – spreading mirth, giggles and talent along the way.” - Corr Blimey “Go listen to Loud Poets and hear them say the things you’ve been trying to say yourself.” - Shane Koyczan “There’s a humour, poignancy and most of all confidence which serves to inspire.” - Scotsman

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

Event Image
Music, Song, Poetry

Cafe Ceilidh

(Tue 17 Jun: 2pm) Join friends from the Scots Music Group for an afternoon session of traditional songs, music, poems and stories, held in the relaxed setting of the Storytelling Court. All welcome to listen or bring a tune for a turn.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

Event Image

Storytelling Ceilidh with the Burgh Blatherers

(Wed 18 Jun: 7pm) Join Edinburgh's own Burgh Blatherers for a series of regular open-floor storytelling nights taking place throughout the year, a cosy gathering in the relaxed surroundings of the Storytelling Court with refreshments available from the Haggis Box Café. Hosted by Bob Mitchell and members of Burgh Blatherers storytelling club, who will transport you with their own stories and imaginative weavings while offering you the chance to tell your own tales! Sailors, fisherfolk, pirates and explorers. Leviathan lurking beneath the waves, the cry of the seabirds above. Bring us adventures and songs of the sea and shore!

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Guid Crack: Midsummer Myths

(Fri 27 Jun: 7:30pm) Another fun and friendly session of Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club held upstairs in the Waverley Bar, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem around the theme or otherwise. Featuring a different host every month and a special guest storyteller. ~~~~~ Our guest storyteller this month is Anna Lehr. Originally from Germany, Anna is now based in Glasgow working as a professional storyteller who specialises in performance based interactive and educational stories. Hosted by Beverley Bryant. Presented by the Scottish Storytelling Forum.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue The Waverley Bar

Event Image

Stories on the Way

(Wed 16 Jul: 7:30pm) Come and enjoy live storytelling in the relaxed setting of the Netherbow Theatre, where the amazing apprentice storytellers will show off their skills and explore a different theme with every performance. Hosted by Janis Mackay and featuring a host of new storytelling voices.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

Event Image

Guid Crack

(Fri 25 Jul: 7:30pm) Another fun and friendly session of Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club held upstairs in the Waverley Bar, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem around the theme or otherwise. Featuring a different host every month and a guest storyteller to be announced.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue The Waverley Bar

Event Image
Folklore, Music, Storytelling


(Sat 6 Sep: 7:30pm) The moon begins to form as the moon spinners wash their wool in the sea, winding it again into a white ball in the sky and re-creating the phases and cycles that guide our seasons, and our stories... ~~~~~ Join us for our quarterly series of full-moon celebrations, with live storytelling, music and a rotating programme of incredible performers. Following the Celtic Wheel of the Year (the quarterly seasons of Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain) we look forward to moon myths, lunar legends and cross-cultural stories, revealing themes of creation, fertility, magic, mystery, death and rebirth. For our September session we welcome you under the full Corn Moon with another exciting lineup of storytellers and performers. ~~~~~ Moonspinners events will follow two distinct phases, with the first half of performance in the Netherbow Theatre, followed by a social and conversational flow upstairs in the Storytelling Court with a chance to digest and discuss the stories amongst friends old and new. Mark it in your diary, or just follow the moon to guide you here! ~~~~~ Image credit: Hester Aspland

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

Event Image

Storytelling Ceilidh with the Burgh Blatherers

(Wed 10 Sep: 7pm) Join Edinburgh's own Burgh Blatherers for a series of regular open-floor storytelling nights taking place throughout the year, a cosy gathering in the relaxed surroundings of the Storytelling Court with refreshments available from the Haggis Box Café. Hosted by Bob Mitchell and members of Burgh Blatherers storytelling club, who will transport you with their own stories and imaginative weavings while offering you the chance to tell your own tales! Child’s play, riddles, stories of tricksters and shaggy dog tales... Make us laugh, make us wonder: can we believe you or is it just stuff and nonsense?!

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Music, Song, Poetry

Cafe Ceilidh

(Tue 23 Sep: 2pm) Join friends from the Scots Music Group for an afternoon session of traditional songs, music, poems and stories, held in the relaxed setting of the Storytelling Court. All welcome to listen or bring a tune for a turn.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

Event Image

Guid Crack

(Fri 26 Sep: 7:30pm) Another fun and friendly session of Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club held upstairs in the Waverley Bar, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem around the theme or otherwise. Featuring a different host every month and a guest storyteller to be announced.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue The Waverley Bar

Event Image
Theatre, New Writing

Uncle Vincent

(Sat 27 Sep: 7:30pm & Sun 28 Sep: 3pm) I didn’t ask to be born amongst all those paintings, but like it or not, I had to deal with the collection. A young man stands in front of us, trying to persuade us to fund a museum to honour his uncle. He is visibly uncomfortable: he wasn’t meant to be giving this presentation. It was supposed to be Jo, his mother. When Vincent van Gogh dies at the age of thirty-seven, shortly followed by his brother Theo, it is left to Theo’s widow Jo to carry on his legacy. Thanks to Jo and her son Vincent Willem the painter of Sunflowers is one of the most beloved artists in the world. Through the words of the artist, his brother, his sister-in-law and nephew, discover the genius that the world almost forgot… Written by Rebekah King, performed by Philip Kingscott and produced by Peapod Productions.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

Event Image

Stories on the Way

(Wed 1 Oct: 7:30pm) Come and enjoy live storytelling in the relaxed setting of the Netherbow Theatre, where the amazing apprentice storytellers will show off their skills and explore a different theme with every performance. Hosted by Janis Mackay and featuring a host of new storytelling voices.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

Event Image
LGBTQ+, Storytelling

Queer Folks' Tales

(Thu 9 Oct: 7:30pm) Welcome to Queer Folks’ Tales, our hugely popular bi-monthly storytelling series where queer storytellers from a diverse range of backgrounds, ages and cultures around Edinburgh and Scotland share stories of LGBTQ+ lives, past, present and future. Sometimes hilarious, often moving, occasionally shocking, the mix of true and fictional stories across the year is as varied as the range of storytellers invited. Household names feature alongside new and diverse queer storytellers from the different communities of Scotland. Many of the stories told in the Queer Folks' Tales evenings will be true stories of LGBTQ+ experience in Scotland today. Hosted by Edinburgh’s Turan Ali. ~~~~~ Turan Ali has been a producer, director and writer of BBC radio dramas and comedies for over 20 years. He’s been a stage storyteller since 2012, and a stand up since 2021. He tours internationally and has two sell out monthly storytelling shows in Vienna. Turan is the creator, producer and host of Queer Folks’ Tales for which he won the Creative Edinburgh Leadership Award 2024. QFT now tours across Scotland and is Creative Scotland funded. ★★★★★ 'Edinburgh's most vibrant, authentic and exciting storytelling event' (The Wee Review)★★★★★ 'Utterly fabulous' (TheQR.co.uk)★★★★★ (BroadwayBaby.com) Queer Folks' Tales is supported by Creative Scotland

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

Event Image
Music, Song, Poetry

Cafe Ceilidh

(Tue 11 Nov: 2pm) Join friends from the Scots Music Group for an afternoon session of traditional songs, music, poems and stories, held in the relaxed setting of the Storytelling Court. All welcome to listen or bring a tune for a turn.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

Event Image

Storytelling Ceilidh with the Burgh Blatherers

(Wed 12 Nov: 7pm) Join Edinburgh's own Burgh Blatherers for a series of regular open-floor storytelling nights taking place throughout the year, a cosy gathering in the relaxed surroundings of the Storytelling Court with refreshments available from the Haggis Box Café. Hosted by Bob Mitchell and members of Burgh Blatherers storytelling club, who will transport you with their own stories and imaginative weavings while offering you the chance to tell your own tales! Hiring fairs were traditionally held at Martinmas – bring us stories of work, magical service, prisoners or apprentices. What would you give a year and a day to accomplish?

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Guid Crack

(Fri 28 Nov: 7:30pm) Another fun and friendly session of Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club held upstairs in the Waverley Bar, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem around the theme or otherwise. Featuring a different host every month and a guest storyteller to be announced.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue The Waverley Bar

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Burgh Blatherers' Winter Warmer

(Wed 3 Dec: 7pm) Nights are growing long and dark. Cold nips the air. It’s time to braid our evergreen circle - time to join the Burgh Blatherers for their Winter Warmer. Members of Edinburgh's own storytelling club present a heartfelt season finale to their year of storytelling ceilidhs and fan the embers of the year into flame of warming cheer and conviviality. Sit back and enjoy!

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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LGBTQ+, Storytelling

Queer Folks' Tales

(Thu 4 Dec: 7:30pm) Welcome to Queer Folks’ Tales, our hugely popular bi-monthly storytelling series where queer storytellers from a diverse range of backgrounds, ages and cultures around Edinburgh and Scotland share stories of LGBTQ+ lives, past, present and future. Sometimes hilarious, often moving, occasionally shocking, the mix of true and fictional stories across the year is as varied as the range of storytellers invited. Household names feature alongside new and diverse queer storytellers from the different communities of Scotland. Many of the stories told in the Queer Folks' Tales evenings will be true stories of LGBTQ+ experience in Scotland today. Hosted by Edinburgh’s Turan Ali. ~~~~~ Turan Ali has been a producer, director and writer of BBC radio dramas and comedies for over 20 years. He’s been a stage storyteller since 2012, and a stand up since 2021. He tours internationally and has two sell out monthly storytelling shows in Vienna. Turan is the creator, producer and host of Queer Folks’ Tales for which he won the Creative Edinburgh Leadership Award 2024. QFT now tours across Scotland and is Creative Scotland funded. ★★★★★ 'Edinburgh's most vibrant, authentic and exciting storytelling event' (The Wee Review)★★★★★ 'Utterly fabulous' (TheQR.co.uk)★★★★★ (BroadwayBaby.com) Queer Folks' Tales is supported by Creative Scotland

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Stories on the Way

(Wed 17 Dec: 7:30pm) Come and enjoy live storytelling in the relaxed setting of the Netherbow Theatre, where the amazing apprentice storytellers will show off their skills and explore a different theme with every performance. Hosted by Janis Mackay and featuring a host of new storytelling voices.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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On Demand, Podcast, Storytelling

Another Story (Podcast)

(Online On-Demand) Another Story is our podcast series exploring some of the themes featured in recent festivals. Tune in to hear some wonderful storytellers share their favourite tales and chat about storytelling in Scotland and beyond. So join us for Another Story... Available wherever you get your podcasts, including Spotify, Apple, Google and Amazon. Follow us by liking and subscribing so you don’t miss an episode! Listen Here

Location Scottish International Storytelling Festival

subvenue Online SISF

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Online Pre-Recorded, Music, Storytelling

Blue City: A Storytelling Journey along Edinburgh's Coastline

Explore Edinburgh as a city by the sea by enjoying this specially created story film. Follow the coastline from Fisherrow, on the boundary with East Lothian, to South Queensferry. A trail of harbours and wildlife havens that glimmers with stories from folklore, history and ecology. Devised by the SISF with storytellers Beverley Casebow, Douglas Mackay, Janis Mackay, Linda Perttula, Nicola Wright and Donald Smith, with music by Kenneth Linklater and the Bowling Ceilidh Band. Produced in support of the Forth Rivers Trust and Restoration Forth, Blue City: A Storytelling Journey along Edinburgh's Coastline is free to access. This film will be available on YouTube from Fri 14 Oct. View the film ~~~~~~~~~~ Over the past two years we have enjoyed being part of a fantastic online storytelling community across the world. We would love to further connect with you in our digital storytelling and development sessions, so whether you are based in Scotland, or further afield, let’s keep that fire lit on our global platforms. ~~~~~~~~~~ In Scotland’s Year of Stories, the Scottish International Storytelling Festival: Keep It Lit invites everyone to the ceilidh; locally, nationally and globally. At the core of Scotland’s culture and identity is the hospitable hearth - a place of solidarity and welcome for friend and stranger alike. Round that symbolic fire, experiences and memories are shared and hope affirmed.

Location Scottish International Storytelling Festival

subvenue Online SISF

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Online Pre-Recorded

Green City: Healing and Hope

Green City: Healing and Hope is a new storytelling film exploring the grassroots movement to turn Edinburgh green. The struggle for net zero will be won or lost in cities, so how is Edinburgh doing after 900 years as a burgh? Hear directly from people and places who think global and act local. Green City is a companion piece to Blue City (2022), which explored Edinburgh as a city by the sea. Narrated by Donald Smith, with contributions from fellow storytellers and activists. Co-Directed by Sandy McGhie (Channel 7A) & Donald Smith. Produced by the Scottish International Storytelling Festival, Green City: Healing and Hope will be free to access from Friday 16th February 2024. View the film

Location Scottish International Storytelling Festival

subvenue Online SISF

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Map of Stories: Film Ceilidhs (Online On-Demand)

Enjoy several multimedia storytelling performances filmed live in the Scottish Storytelling Centre's Netherbow Theatre in October 2022, where a world of local Scottish stories unfolds through the live voices of traditional storytellers and site-specific film footage of the landscapes they emerge from. Featuring stories from Dumfries and Galloway, the North East, Orkney, the Outer Hebrides and Perth and Kinross. ~~~~~~~~~~ These live performances were part of Tales, Tongues and Trails, a celebration of regional and international language, landscape and identities for the Scottish International Storytelling Festival 2022. Map of Stories YouTube playlist of all five Film Ceilidhs Scottish International Storytelling Festival Live filming by Sandy McGhie (Channel 7A). ~~~~~~~~~~ Map of Stories is a collaboration between Transgressive North, Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland and Rectangle Design, supported by Creative Scotland and EventScotland as part of Scotland's Year of Stories 2022.

Location Scottish International Storytelling Festival

subvenue Online SISF

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Exhibition: Recent Work by Mike Turpie

(Sat 8-Sun 30 Mar) Mike Turpie is an Edinburgh based painter working with oil on canvas and other mediums including pastel, watercolour and printmaking techniques. He has work in private and public collections both at home and abroad. He trained at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee and refined his distinctive colourful expressive style as an easel painter influenced by such masters as Cezanne, Gauguin and Georgia O’Keefe. His working practice gathers information, usually outdoors, through charcoal sketches followed by studio work to develop a harmony of colour, shape and texture. These elements are gathered from memory and imagination to form a decorative expressive scheme. He describes his work as composition - as a poet or musician would compose a piece to convey a feeling or memory. The exhibition is a collection of Edinburgh-themed compositions forming a poetic interplay of colour, line and shape, featuring imagery which occurs in Mike’s compositions is the relationship of trees and the built environment. He plays around with spatial relationships and perspective distortion. You can find out more about Mike and his work by visiting his website.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Theatre, New Writing

The Dark Up Close

(Wed 26 & Thu 27 Mar: 7:30pm) Two teenagers digging graves, an island full of conscripts and puffins. The guns are silent on the eve of World War III. These are scenes from a near-future Britain, a country in crisis, with national service reinstated for all young people. The old world is dying, and the new world has been delayed indefinitely. The Dark Up Close is a new play by Jack MacGregor, commissioned for Strange Town Young Company (18-25).

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Guid Crack: What a Glorious Mess!

(Fri 28 Mar: 7:30pm) Join guest storyteller Inés Álvarez Villa for another session of Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club. This month’s theme is What a Glorious Mess! celebrating the joy of being alive and the wonderful chaos of it all. Originally from the north of Spain, Inés has found her home in Edinburgh since 2004. She tells stories from all over the world, in her warm and atmospheric style. She has also created two successful long-form storytelling shows for the Scottish International Storytelling Festival in recent years, Don Quixote Rides Again (2023) and The Dream of Al-Andalus (2024). Held upstairs in the Waverley Bar, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem around the theme or otherwise. Hosted by Svend-Erik Engh.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue The Waverley Bar

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Literature, Poetry

Poetry... More or Less

(Sun 30 Mar: 11.30am) Join the Edinburgh School of Poets for a pop-up reading in the relaxed surroundings of the Storytelling Court. Image by Siân Hockaday

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Exhibition: Masks

(Fri 4 Apr-Mon 12 May) Get up close and personal with the exquisite Venetian masks hand-crafted by Edinburgh's mask maker, designer and mask model Lorraine Pritchard, artist-in-residence for this year's Pomegranates Festival and the only Scottish artist featured at the Venice Carnival 2025. Unmask the secrets of the mask-making heritage craft, find out more about masks and traditional dance, plus explore photographs of the artists' masks shot on location from Arthur’s Seat to the canals of Venice and a new behind-the-scenes documentary by Franzis Sánchez. Masks is complemented by another exhibition featuring more of Lorraine’s Venetian masks, plus books about Venice and the Carnevale at Edinburgh Central Library (1-30 April 2025), also curated as part of Pomegranates Festival. This is Lorraine's first solo exhibition in a public institution. It is curated across the two venues by the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland in an ongoing partnership with the Edinburgh City Libraries and the Scottish Storytelling Centre as part of Pomegranates, Scotland's springtime festival of world trad dance and its links with live music, film, poetry, art, craft and fashion. Find out more about Pomegranates Festival 2025, or you can keep up with Pomegranates as well as year-round TDFS activity by signing up to the TDFS newsletter.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Bothan Dhùn Èideann

(Fri 4 Apr: 7pm) A monthly session of Gaelic culture and community in Edinburgh, full of stories, songs, music, dance and good cràic! Each month a variety of performers will entertain, alongside space for conversation and friendship. April's line-up will feature Gaelic singer Susannah Stark and box player Caroline Hussey, Gaelic singer and guitarist Ró Ó hEadhra and Gaelic piper and singer Harry Gorski Brown. MC for the night is Choirstaidh Iona NicArtair. ~~~~~ Bothan Dhùn Èideann are a not-for-profit group, active for over 21 years, promoting and developing Scottish Gaelic language and culture in Edinburgh and creating space where everyone, no matter their background, feels comfortable celebrating Gaelic in Edinburgh. These events are presented in Gaelic throughout and all are welcome whether fluent speakers, learners or somewhere in between. ‘S e buidheann neo-phrothaideach a th’ ann am Bothan (a tha a-nis 21 bliadhna a dh’aois) a bhios a’ brosnachadh agus a’ leasachadh cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann tron chànan fhèin. Tha a’ choimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann measgaichte agus tha fàilte air a h-uile duine an cuid Gàidhlig a chleachdadh an seo, ge bith dè an ìre a th’ aca. Bothan Dhùn Èideann is funded and in partnership with An Comunn Gàidhealach, University of Edinburgh, Oor Vyce, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, TRACS and the Scottish Storytelling Centre.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Workshop, Storytelling

Storytelling for a Better World

(Sat 5 Apr: 10:30am) Explore and address challenging global issues through telling powerfully simple traditional wisdom tales from the world's oral cultures. What we learn from these tales is not just what happens in a story but how we respond to it, both individually and collectively. Creative response offers us insights about how we could make the world better. During this workshop, participants will tell stories and do creative response activities developed over years of experience working, learning and exchanging stories with people from all over the world: learners of English of all ages, levels and profiles, teachers at all stages of their development and storytellers in all their wonderful diversity. David Heathfield is a world storyteller, teacher trainer and writer from Exeter, UK. He loves to learn stories from people he meets from diverse cultural heritages. Together with Haneen Jadallah he set up the project Tell a Child in Gaza’s Tale. He has authored Storytelling with Our Students (DELTA Publishing) and numerous articles and book chapters including 'Storytelling for a Better World' in the free online British Council publication Integrating Global Issues in the Creative English Language Classroom. He provides Creative and Engaging Storytelling for Teachers (CrEST) courses for worldwide participants on Zoom. You can learn more about David and his work by visiting his website.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Music, Storytelling, New Writing

Balancing in Freedom

(Sat 5 Apr: 2pm) Iddo: "I'm making this performance piece Svjetlana. It explores human freedom. Would you like to be part of it?" Svjetlana: "Absolutely yes, Iddo, of course. What did you think?" Iddo: "Great. Here's the script" Svjetlana: "Thanks Iddo. I really don't want to memorize lines though. Can I improvise?" Iddo: "Yes OK, if that's what you want" Svjetlana: "It is!" Balancing in Freedom is a journey through the landscape of personal story, searching for meaning, connection and expression. In this unique blending of multiple art forms, Iddo Oberski takes us on a deeply personal exploration of his family’s Holocaust history, his own disability and Rudolf Steiner’s Philosophy of Freedom. In regular dialogue with his larger-than-life collaborator Svjetlana, Iddo is shown gently how such diverse and challenging experiences may never be fully understood. They shape us and through creating art we may come closer to making some sense of ourselves, human life and the world we live in. Join us for this world premiere performance of an enthralling new work. Written and performed by Iddo Oberski with Mark Kydd as Creative Mentor and Co-Director. Funded by Creative Scotland. Sponsored by the Authentic Artist Collective and the Salisbury Centre.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Exhibition Preview: Masks by Lorraine Pritchard

(Sat 5 Apr: 5pm) Join the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland for a preview of Masks - the first solo exhibition in a public institution by Edinburgh’s mask maker, designer and model artist Lorraine Pritchard, artist-in-residence at this year’s Pomegranates Festival and the only Scottish artist performing at the Venice Carnival 2025. Unmask the secrets of the mask-making heritage craft and find out more about masks and traditional dance in the company of the artist and her collaborators. Plus, explore Lorraine’s masks hand-crafted in the Venetian tradition, the photographs of the artists' masks shot on location from Arthur’s Seat to the canals of Venice and the new behind-the-scenes documentary by Franzis Sánchez. Masks continues at the Scottish Storytelling Centre until Monday 12 May. It is complemented by another exhibition featuring more of Lorraine’s Venetian masks, plus books about Venice and the Carnevale at Edinburgh Central Library (1-30 April 2025), also curated as part of Pomegranates Festival. This is Lorraine's first solo exhibition in a public institution. It is curated across the two venues by the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland in an ongoing partnership with the Edinburgh City Libraries and the Scottish Storytelling Centre as part of Pomegranates, Scotland's springtime festival of world trad dance and its links with live music, film, poetry, art, craft and fashion. Find out more about Pomegranates Festival 2025, or you can keep up with Pomegranates as well as year-round TDFS activity by signing up to the TDFS newsletter.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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The Gathering Quartet

(Sat 5 Apr: 7:30pm) Join a live album recording for The Gathering Quartet, a brand-new European traditional string group. The performance will be the product of their first week-long exchange of music from Ukraine, Scotland, England and Sweden. With the increasing pressures on communities across Europe, The Gathering Quartet aim to use the force of their decade-long creative relationships to musically transcend cultural and political boundaries, and inspire cross-cultural understanding. They hope to encourage others in peaceful exploration of their own common roots through traditional music, and how this has collectively shaped our cultures across Europe. Having played together in various guises over the years, these musicians will come together for the first time in a special traditional string quartet line up to experiment with new arrangements of old tunes and their own compositions. The Gathering Quartet members:Olena Yeremenko - fiddle (Ukraine)Luisa Brown - fiddle, octave fiddle (Scotland)Louis Bingham - guitar, bouzouki, cittern, mandolin (England)Mats Nystam - bouzouki, mandolin (Sweden) Please note that as this is an album recording, it is not suitable for young children and latecomers will not be admitted.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Easy Sundays: Let it Bring Hope, Let it Be a Tale

(Sun 6 Apr: 3pm) Storytellers David Heathfield and Jackie Ross and online theatre expert Haneen Jadallah from Gaza are joined live online by Young International Storytellers from Palestine to retell beautiful Palestinian folk tales for adults and families. The tales are all learned from children, teenagers and their teachers and are part of the ongoing voluntary project Tell a Child in Gaza's Tale. If I must dielet it bring hopelet it be a tale - If I Must DieRefaat Alareer (1979-2023) ~~~~~~~~~~~ This event is part of Easy Sundays, a monthly session of stories, music, community and friendship, where warm welcome awaits with a variety of activities for all to enjoy. So come find a space to relax amongst friends, old and new.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Through the Shortbread Tin

(Tue 8: 7:30pm | Wed 9 Apr: 2:30pm & 7:30pm) The story of the greatest literary hoax of all time. 1760. Scottish poet James Macpherson sets the world ablaze with stories of the third-century Scottish bard, Ossian. This tartan-trimmed tale of Highland history spreads far and wide, capturing the imagination of thousands– but is it built on deceit? 2025. Scottish poet Martin O’Connor reads Macpherson’s epic and questions his own relationship with Scottish culture. The sporrans, the stags, the shortbread – do these ‘gift-shop’ images of Scotland hold us back or bring us forward? What does it mean to be authentic, and is the truth sometimes better told in a lie? Through The Shortbread Tin is a brand-new show, performed in Scots with Gaelic songs, which explores Scottish culture, myths, history and identity. Join Martin and Macpherson on an oral odyssey spanning centuries of Scottish history, exploring the myths we tell each other and the stories we tell ourselves. Because it takes a lot ae imagination tae tell a true story. A National Theatre of Scotland Production. Written and performed by Martin O’Connor. Directed by Lu Kemp. Watch the Trailer Teaser here. CastMartin O’ConnorJosie DuncanMairi MorrisonClaire Frances MacNeil Creative TeamLu Kemp - DirectorMartin O’Connor - WriterOliver Searle – Music DirectorRachel O’Neill – Set & Costume DesignerEmma Bailey – Set & Costume DesignerRob Willoughby – Sound & Video DesignerMichaella Fee – Lighting DesignerAlasdair Whyte – Gaelic ConsultantThierry Mabonga – Trainee Director Enhanced Performances Tue 8 Apr: Audio description by Emma-Jane McHenryOpen captioning by Alison PendlowskiWed 9 Apr: BSL interpretation by Catherine King

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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LGBTQ+, Storytelling

Queer Folks' Tales

(Thu 10 Apr: 7:30pm) Welcome to Queer Folks’ Tales, our hugely popular bi-monthly storytelling series where queer storytellers from a diverse range of backgrounds, ages and cultures around Edinburgh and Scotland share stories of LGBTQ+ lives, past, present and future. Sometimes hilarious, often moving, occasionally shocking, the mix of true and fictional stories across the year is as varied as the range of storytellers invited. Household names feature alongside new and diverse queer storytellers from the different communities of Scotland. Many of the stories told in the Queer Folks' Tales evenings will be true stories of LGBTQ+ experience in Scotland today. Hosted by Edinburgh’s Turan Ali. ~~~~~ Turan Ali has been a producer, director and writer of BBC radio dramas and comedies for over 20 years. He’s been a stage storyteller since 2012, and a stand up since 2021. He tours internationally and has two sell out monthly storytelling shows in Vienna. Turan is the creator, producer and host of Queer Folks’ Tales for which he won the Creative Edinburgh Leadership Award 2024. QFT now tours across Scotland and is Creative Scotland funded. Bee Asha is an Edinburgh spoken word artist, working between rap and poetry. She was in the Scottish female rap trio The Honey Farm, and co-founded the award-winning charity The Spit it Out Project. Her first EP ‘From Girl to Men’ won the SAMA’s best newcomer in 2022, and was shortlisted for BBC Introducing Scottish Act of the Year 2024. Her new album, Goodbye, Gracious was been longlisted for Scottish Album of the Year 2024. Finn Brodie is a Glasgow based indie-folk musician who has been writing songs and playing gigs since he was 15. Now in his 20s, and having come out as trans, Brodie’s songs are packed with emotion and vulnerability, and are produced by his long-time collaborator Andy Monaghan of Frightened Rabbit. Brodie’s new work consists of intimate, bittersweet studies of identity, relationships and growing up, including his debut EP Home Run. Sam Lake is a celebrated Edinburgh-based stand up who is fresh off a nationwide tour of his critically acclaimed show 'Aspiring DILF' & an award nominated Edinburgh Fringe Run of his new show 'Esméralda'. Sam is also a comedian and host on the podcast 'I've Had a Rosé, Let's Talk About Feelings'. He’s been seen on the TV network Dave's 'The Comedy Guide to Life', All4's 'The Joy of Missing Out', and on 'Breaking The News' (BBC Scotland). ★★★★★ 'Edinburgh's most vibrant, authentic and exciting storytelling event' (The Wee Review)★★★★★ 'Utterly fabulous' (TheQR.co.uk)★★★★★ (BroadwayBaby.com) Queer Folks' Tales is supported by Creative Scotland

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Workshop, Conference, Talks & Lectures, Development

North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) 2025

(Fri 11 - Sun 13 Apr) The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you are a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Delegate Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. Once you have your Pass, you can get to booking! You must book a ticket for each event you plan to attend. If you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). You also have the option of booking individual events, which are priced at £10/£8 concession. View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. The programme is also available in PDF format. ~~~~~ Guest singers and speakers include:Dr. Mollie Stone (USA)Prof. Susanne Rosenberg (Sweden)Alasdair Whyte (Scotland)Robyn Stapleton (Scotland)Dominie Hooper (England)Neil McDermot (Scotland)Ró Ó hEadhra (Scotland)Dr. Rebecca Draisey-Collishaw (England/Canada)Ruth Keggin (Isle of Man)Nuala Kennedy (Ireland) Board and Associates attending include:Brian Ó hEadhra (Scotland/Ireland)Emma Björling (Sweden)Molly Gawler (USA)Anna Wikénius (Sweden)Lotta Andersson (Sweden)Tom Besford (England)Dr. Esbjörn Wettermark (Sweden/England) For more information on NASC please visit the North Atlantic Song Convention website. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Multiple Spaces

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Conference, Talks & Lectures

NASC Keynote Address

(Fri 11 Apr: 1:30pm) Join Professor Susanne Rosenberg and the North Atlantic Song Convention for the opening keynote address of 2025! Professor Rosenberg is folk singer, educator and academic. She has been a pioneer in rediscovering the old Swedish style of folk singing and using it in new artistic environments including working with contemporary composers and directors and with her own groups. Susanne has developed the folk singing environment in Sweden by innovative research in kulning (herding calls), folk song style, improvisation among other topics. She is professor of folk singing at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Learn more about her work on her website. After the keynote address there will be a few songs led by guest performers with chorus lyrics provided on screen. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Conference, Talks & Lectures

NASC Panel: Community Singing

(Fri 11 Apr: 3pm) The panel will discuss how group singing strengthens communities, preserves cultural heritage, and creates lasting connections. From informal pub sessions to established choirs, they will explore different approaches to collective singing, sharing practical insights and inspiring stories of how a communal voice can bring people together. This talk is for anyone interested in starting or joining a singing group, leading community songs, or simply learning more about the transformative power of singing together. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Workshop, Conference

NASC Workshop: Scots Song

(Fri 11 Apr: 3pm) Join acclaimed Scottish singer Robyn Stapleton for an engaging workshop exploring the richness of Scots song. Drawing from her extensive repertoire and deep understanding of the tradition, Robyn will guide participants through the distinctive features of Scots song, including language, style, and ornamentation. Participants will discover the stories behind the songs while learning techniques for authentic delivery and interpretation. Whether you're new to Scots song or looking to enhance your existing knowledge, Robyn's warm and encouraging teaching style makes this workshop accessible to all. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Conference, Talks & Lectures

NASC Discussion: Local and Global Song

(Fri 11 Apr: 4:30pm) This panel explores songs as tools to put in your pocket to take out at the right time. Work songs, lullabies, sea shanties, rowing songs, songs for social change and songs of the land and place, there is a song for every season and occasion. But how do folk songs fit into contemporary lives? Discussion will cover how we can embrace songs in our own homes, kitchens, fields, towns, pubs, forests and song circles of all kinds. Connecting singing and songs with everyday life allows us to connect across cultures and be part of a global song circle. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Spoken Word, Poetry

Loud Poets

(Fri 11 Apr: 7:30pm) Don’t miss the next fantastic show from Scotland’s premiere spoken word night! For over ten years, Loud Poets has been showcasing the best spoken word poetry from Scotland and beyond. Expect fist-thumping, heart-wrenching, side-tickling poetry performances with live musical accompaniment. April's line-up features Janette Ayachi, Kate Ireland, Fiona Jane & Raymond Wilson. “Loud Poets is tearing up the landscape, bringing the ancient art to contemporary audiences – spreading mirth, giggles and talent along the way.” - Corr Blimey “Go listen to Loud Poets and hear them say the things you’ve been trying to say yourself.” - Shane Koyczan “There’s a humour, poignancy and most of all confidence which serves to inspire.” - Scotsman

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Conference, Song

NASC Singing Session

(Fri 11 Apr: 8pm) North Atlantic Song Convention Delegates are invited to an informal singing session in the heart of Edinburgh’s historic Royal Mile. Singers and song enthusiasts will gather for an evening of shared songs, stories, and camaraderie in a cosy pub setting. Whether you’d like to lead a song, join in a chorus, or simply enjoy the atmosphere, this is the perfect chance to connect through music and celebrate singing traditions. Please note that there is limited capacity due to venue constraints. There is no level access available. Attendees with access needs should contact the Convention team on northatlanticsong@gmail.com. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Canons' Gait

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Workshop, Conference

NASC Workshop: Swedish Mouth Music

(Sat 12 Apr: 10am) Explore Swedish mouth music with Lotta Andersson, renowned singer from the acclaimed vocal group Kongero. In this interactive workshop, Lotta will guide you through the unique vocal techniques and rhythmic patterns used in traditional Swedish folk singing. Learn how these folk melodies were historically used for storytelling, herding, and dance accompaniment, and experience the joy of creating music with just your voice. Open to all levels — no prior experience required. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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NASC Annual Meeting and Future Planning

(Sun 12 Apr: 10:30am) Join us for the NASC Annual Meeting, where attendees can share their experiences, reflect on the convention, and help shape the future of the North Atlantic Song Convention. This is a valuable opportunity to connect with fellow participants, exchange ideas, and discuss next steps for fostering collaboration and celebrating the song traditions of the North Atlantic region. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Conference, Talks & Lectures

NASC Panel: Curating a Place to Sing - From Kitchen to Stadium

(Sat 12 Apr: 11:30am) An engaging discussion on the art and evolution of curating spaces for folk song. From intimate kitchen gatherings to grand concert performances, this panel explores how songs are presented and shared in different contexts and for diverse audiences. Gain insights into the challenges and opportunities of creating engaging experiences, whether for small, close-knit groups or large-scale events. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Workshop, Conference

NASC Workshop: Scottish Gaelic Song

(Sat 12 Apr: 11:30am) Join Alasdair Whyte, celebrated Gaelic singer and scholar from the Isle of Mull, for an inspiring workshop exploring the rich tradition of Scottish Gaelic song. Alasdair will share his deep knowledge of the language, history, and cultural significance behind the songs. Participants will learn traditional songs, gain insights into Gaelic pronunciation, and learn about the stories behind the songs. This workshop is open to all, whether you're new to Gaelic song or looking to deepen your connection to the tradition. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

Event Image
Conference, Song

NASC Open Song Circle: Songs of the Sea

(Sat 12 Apr: 1:30pm) Gather 'round and share sea-inspired songs in this open song circle, celebrating the connection between people and the ocean. Whether you’re a seasoned singer or simply love to listen, all are welcome to contribute a song or story related to the sea. From haunting ballads and lively shanties to personal favourites, this is a space to honour the maritime traditions that have shaped cultures across the North Atlantic region. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Conference, Talks & Lectures

NASC Panel: Singing Lives Lived - Songwriting and Tradition

(Sat 12 Apr: 3:30pm) Explore the interplay between songwriting and tradition in this thought-provoking panel discussion where the panellists delve into how personal experiences, cultural heritage and traditional influences shape the creation of songs. Discover how contemporary songwriting can honour and evolve long-standing traditions while reflecting the lives and stories of today. This is a must for anyone interested in the art of songwriting, the preservation of tradition, and the ways in which music connects past and present. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Conference, Song

NASC Concert: The North Atlantic Song Connection

(Sat 12 Apr: 7:30pm) Enjoy an unforgettable evening of song featuring a stunning line-up of international and local artists. This special event showcases the rich diversity of traditional songs from across the North Atlantic region, celebrating the unique voices and cultures that connect us. From beautiful ballads to rousing choruses, this concert promises to be a highlight of the weekend — don’t miss it! Performers include local Scottish singers Alasdair Whyte and Robyn Stapleton; Emma Björling, Anna Wikénius and Lotta Andersson from Sweden; Dominie Hooper and Ruth Keggin from England and Isle of Man respectively, Irish singer Nuala Kennedy and guest from the USA Molly Gawler. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Conference, Song

NASC Open Song Circle

(Sun 12 Apr: 11:30am) Bring the North Atlantic Song Convention to a heartfelt close with a final song circle. This informal gathering is a chance for attendees to share one last song, reflect on the weekend, and celebrate the connections made through music. Whether you’d like to sing, listen, or simply soak up the atmosphere, this is the perfect way to wrap up the convention in true NASC spirit. ~~~~~ The North Atlantic Song Convention (NASC) returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, for three days of traditional song celebration from 11-13 April 2025. Through concerts, workshops, talks, and informal song circles, this welcoming gathering brings together singers and enthusiasts from across the North Atlantic region. Whether you're a professional performer, an academic researcher, or simply love traditional song, NASC offers an inclusive space to share, learn, and celebrate our rich, diverse singing heritage. Guests attending hail from Scotland, Ireland, England, Sweden, Canada, the USA, and beyond. Purchase a Weekend Pass to make the most of the Convention. Passes are priced £45/£35 concession. These will allow you to book free tickets for all events; if you are planning to attend five or more events across the weekend the Pass will pay for itself (six events if you are eligible for a Concession Pass). View all individual events and book tickets here: Event Listings and Tickets. A simplified version of the programme is also available in PDF format. NASC is supported by: Creative Scotland Heritage Lottery Fund; Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland; Traditional Music Forum (Scotland); Access Folk; Kongero, Bagaduce Music.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Storytelling Ceilidh with the Burgh Blatherers

(Wed 16 Apr: 7pm) Join Edinburgh's own Burgh Blatherers for a series of regular open-floor storytelling nights taking place throughout the year, a cosy gathering in the relaxed surroundings of the Storytelling Court with refreshments available from the Haggis Box Café. Hosted by Bob Mitchell and members of Burgh Blatherers storytelling club, who will transport you with their own stories and imaginative weavings while offering you the chance to tell your own tales! Hunting, growing, cooking, feasting, food for the belly or food for the mind. Dreamers, seekers, thinkers. Tell us a tale to fill us up or leave us wanting more…

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Music, Song, Storytelling

Songs, Shanties, Sagas & Stories - Evening Concert

(Fri 18 Apr: 7pm) Join performers from Denmark and Scotland for song, story, shanty and saga about Vikings, pirates and the sea! Christine Kammerer (song, story, lyre, keyboard) from Denmark is celebrated for her fusion of Nordic and Celtic folk music, blending symphonic elements with ancient songs and cross-cultural storytelling. Christine also specialises in early music/Viking Age music. Step aboard and join traditional singer Joss Cameron for an evening of rousing songs and captivating tales of Scotland’s rich maritime history, featuring Amy Dudley and Steve Tyler (song, story, keyboard and guitar). They will take you on journey though the lives of sailors, fisherfolk and wanderers who braved the waves, with haunting melodies and audience participation – a celebration of our maritime heritage. Available for free with the Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Workshop, Song, Storytelling

Family Workshop: Pirates, Stories & Songs of the High Seas with Joss Cameron

(Sat 19 Apr: 10:30am) Join Joss Cameron for a sea-faring workshop with hands on experience that brings maritime history and songs to life. With her expertise in maritime history, sea shanties and storytelling, the immersive experience welcomes all sailors and explorers to join in! Suitable for families and children of all ages. Available for free with a Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Workshop, Music, Song

From Shieling to Støl with Rose Logan

(Sat 19 Apr: 10:30am) From the Isle of Raasay to the mountains of Norway, join Rose Logan to explore & learn the music which accompanied traditional farming life at summer grazing pastures. Available for free with the Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Workshop, Song

Swedish Tunes with Kristina Leesik

(Sat 19 Apr: 12pm) Kristina Leesik is a "Riksspelman" (national folk musician) of tunes from Södermanland in Sweden. In this workshop you'll be learning tunes from Kristina's repertoire, with focus on Swedish fiddle techniques and groove. Available for free with the Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Workshop, Song

Viking & Danish Songs & the Lyre with Christine Kammerer

(Sat 19 Apr: 2:15pm) Christine Kammerer specialises in early music/Viking Age music. This workshop will take you back to the Viking Age with songs and tunes on the lyre as well as Danish folk songs of today. No prior knowledge of the Danish language is required! Available for free with the Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Trad Songs & Sea Shanties with Joss Cameron

(Sat 19 Apr: 3:45pm) Joss Cameron is a traditional Scots singer from Leith, known for her deep connection to her traveller cultural roots. She has performed internationally sharing her rich heritage of traditional music with audiences around the world. Her repertoire often includes folk songs, ballads and sea shanties, a breadth of knowledge she will share in this workshop. Available for free with the Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Dance, Music, Song

Evening Concert and Ceilidh

(Sat 19 Apr: 7pm) Join musicians from Norway, Sweden and Scotland for a performance in the Netherbow Theatre, followed by a ceilidh featuring the performers playing for dances being taught from Scotland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark (possibly Viking ‘steps’) plus a few songs from the guest singers at the Festival! Gro-Marthe Dickson is a Norwegian singer that has been put in the big genre box called jazz; this is where she gets her musical freedom from as well. But her experience and background are also from folk, soul, and even pop music. During her upbringing there was gospel, jazz and Scottish folk tunes at home, and there was always an instrument available – including the voice – around the house. Her latest project is exploring connecting with the heritage of her Scottish granny! Kristina Leesik, Anna Whiteford and Rose Logan are active musicians in Scotland, Norway, Finland and Sweden. Through fiddle, accordion and hardingfele they create a magical bond between these countries and traditions with polskas, reinländer, jigs and reels. Available for free with the Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Workshop, Song

Songs and Singing of Norway with Gro-Marthe Dickson

(Sun 20 Apr: 12:30pm) Join this inspiring workshop and get a glimpse of the rich traditions of Norwegian folk music. Learn how to bring ancient melodies to life through voice and storytelling. We’ll also explore the beauty of traditional vocal style called kveding and you might find a few similarities to Scottish folk music as well. No prior experience is needed — just curiosity and a passion for music. Perfect for anyone eager to explore the soul of Norwegian folk traditions. Available for free with the Northern Streams Festival Pass £50/£40 (save up to £28) – ideal if you are planning to go to both concerts and at least 3 workshops. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Music, Song

Open Music & Song Session

(Sun 20 Apr: 2pm) Round off the festival by playing, singing, maybe dancing or simply enjoying great music made together. For the full list of events and more details about the performers, check out the full programme here.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Socratic Circles

(Fri 25 Apr: 10:45am) Join the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland for the opening festival dance theatre matinee to celebrate the finale of Socratic Circles - an unique approach to co-devising dance theatre with young people. Socratic Circles revolves around a dialogue between 20 dance artists-in-residence at Edinburgh’s Abbeyhill and Royal Mile Primary Schools and sixty 11-year-old pupils. The dance theatre weaves in the children’s ideas, drawings and poems about the wee objects selected by each pupil to represent their diverse heritage. See the resident dancers, all postgraduate students in Dance Science and Education at the University of Edinburgh, perform alongside the resident musician Aga Idczak to choreography by Sotirios Panagoulias and costume design by Gerry Gapinski. The show lasts about 30 minutes and will be followed by a post-show Q&A with some of the creatives and special guests. Funded by the University of Edinburgh through the Edinburgh Local Community Fund and curated by the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland in an ongoing academic partnership with the Centre for Research in Education, Inclusion and Diversity (CREID) at Moray House School of Education and Sport as part of Pomegranates, Scotland's springtime festival of world trad dance and its links with live music, film, poetry, art, craft and fashion. Find out more about Pomegranates Festival 2025, or you can keep up with Pomegranates as well as year-round TDFS activity by signing up to the TDFS newsletter.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Dance, Film

World Trad Dance on Screen

(Fri 25 Apr: 6:30pm) A packed programme of short films addressing the global genre gap of traditional dance on screen. Experience a space where choreography and cinematography merge to tell a story rooted in traditional dance from Scottish Step and Highland to Indian Classical, East African, Chinese, Pacific, Punjabi and Hip Hop. Expect two works by award-winning Canadian filmmaker Marlene Millar: To Begin the Dance Once More (2023) and Bhairava (2018). The programme also includes The Bright Fabric of Life (2024, Dir. Mare Tralla), Autocorrect (2022, Dir. Jonzi D), Crowned by Flame (2024, Dir. Lyuxian Yu); Home (2023, Dir. Kes Tagney feat. Sophie Stephenson); Armea (2024. Dir. Letila Mitchell) and On Canada Day (2024, Dir. Gurdeep Pandher). The hour-long film programme will be followed by a Q&A with some of the filmmakers and creatives. Curated by the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland as part of Pomegranates, Scotland's springtime festival of world trad dance and its links with live music, poetry, art, craft, film and fashion. Find out more about Pomegranates Festival 2025, or you can keep up with Pomegranates as well as year-round TDFS activity by signing up to the TDFS newsletter.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Guid Crack: Wicked Ways Into Fame and Fortune

(Fri 25 Apr: 7:30pm) "Did you deal with the Devil, did you sell your soul?" We live in uncertain times, as support for social and health care is cut, and living costs spiral. On the other hand the rich and ruthless rule the world gaining more than they could ever need. But we know from stories that there are many wicked and devilish ways into fame and fortune, and sometimes a deal can be made to help smooth the way. Not without consequence... Another open session of Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club held upstairs in the Waverley Bar, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem around the theme or otherwise. Featuring a different host every month and a special guest storyteller. ~~~~~ Our guest storyteller this month is Riikka Palonen. Riikka has worked as a storyteller for over 15 years, orginally in Finland and in recent years across the UK from Oxford to Orkney, and internationally from Morocco to Lapland. She is fascinated in stories that can transport her to other worlds of fairy tale, myth and magic. Riikka often works in collaboration with her husband, folk musician Richard Clarke, to create popular song and story performances. Hosted by Donald Smith. Presented by the Scottish Storytelling Forum.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue The Waverley Bar

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Workshop, Storytelling

Starting with Stories

(Sat 26 Apr: 10:30am) A hands-on, practical introduction to live storytelling and the associated skills. Storyteller Ruth Kirkpatrick leads this participatory session for anyone curious about discovering and developing their own storytelling talent. Let out your inner storyteller and learn to craft your skills. For new and aspiring storytellers. ~~~~~~~~~~ Our participatory sessions are designed to help you improve your skills and share your experiences with fellow storytelling enthusiasts. This carefully curated workshop programme offers you the chance to work with highly-skilled and experienced artists, giving you guidance on improving your practice and discovering your own talent. Did you know? Members of the Scottish Storytelling Forum are entitled to discounted rates on our storytelling workshops. For more information on memberships please visit the Storytelling Forum website. ~~~~~~~~~~ Pay it Forward If you are willing and able to donate a workshop place to another person, you now can! Click the button above and select the ticket price to donate. We will then be able to offer a free place to someone who would not have been able to attend otherwise. If you feel the Pay It Forward scheme would benefit you and would like to request a free ticket please email our Reception Team where you will be allocated a ticket if available. We hold 1 space per workshop for Pay It Forward requests.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Training Venue

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Trad Dance as Intangible Cultural Heritage

(Mon 28 Apr: 6:30pm) Gather in for an evening of blether about Intangible Cultural Heritage and its relationship with Scottish traditional dance. Hear from special guests and enjoy wee sets from Scottish Country, Highland and Step dance artists, as well as Polonaise, which was inscribed in the UNESCO representative list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of humanity in December 2023. Preview the premiere sharing of Sequins – a new hip-hop and Congolese trad dance theatre solo show by Kalubi Mukangela-Jacoby set to the Pomegranates Festival spoken word commission Sequins of Poems to Dance To by Ian McMillan. The programme lasts about 90 minutes and will be followed by an opportunity to mingle and network at which all are welcome. Curated by the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland as part of Pomegranates, Scotland's springtime festival of world trad dance and its links with live music, film, poetry, art, craft and fashion. Find out more about Pomegranates Festival 2025, or you can keep up with Pomegranates as well as year-round TDFS activity by signing up to the TDFS newsletter.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

Event Image

Hidden Faces

(Tue 29 Apr: 6:30pm) Celebrate UNESCO International Day of Dance with the Pomegranates flagship show choreographed by Pomegranates Festival hip hop dance theatre artist-in-residence Jonzi D (back by popular demand!) and a dozen dancers and musicians wearing newly commissioned masks by the festival heritage craft artist-in-residence Lorraine Pritchard. “Following my Pomegranates festival debut last year, I am really honoured to be invited back as this year’s choreographer-in-residence, plus I am particularly partial to the new festival theme of masks. Traditional dance is important, including masked dance, because it represents living heritage while celebrating difference. I think we’ve reached a period in society where our differences are being used against us; our differences are being used to keep us separated; our differences are being used as judgmental tools. Manufactured polarisation. But our infinite differences define our identities, and still we have more in common than we have apart. Pomegranates Festival celebrates our differences.” - Jonzi D The programme lasts about 60 minutes and will be followed by an opportunity to mingle and network at which all are welcome. Curated by the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland as part of Pomegranates, Scotland's springtime festival of world trad dance and its links with live music, film, poetry, art, craft and fashion. Find out more about Pomegranates Festival 2025, or you can keep up with Pomegranates as well as year-round TDFS activity by signing up to the TDFS newsletter.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Spoken Word, Poetry

Loud Poets

(Thu 1 May: 7:30pm) Don’t miss the next fantastic show from Scotland’s premiere spoken word night! For over ten years, Loud Poets has been showcasing the best spoken word poetry from Scotland and beyond. Expect fist-thumping, heart-wrenching, side-tickling poetry performances with live musical accompaniment. Check back soon for the full line-up! “Loud Poets is tearing up the landscape, bringing the ancient art to contemporary audiences – spreading mirth, giggles and talent along the way.” - Corr Blimey “Go listen to Loud Poets and hear them say the things you’ve been trying to say yourself.” - Shane Koyczan “There’s a humour, poignancy and most of all confidence which serves to inspire.” - Scotsman

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

Event Image
Music, Song


(Fri 2 May: 7:30pm) MAIK are a brand new folk duo from either side of the Scotland/England border. Two experienced folk singers in their own right, Jamie Cook and Kirsty Law have joined forces to bring some of their most beloved songs together. Through their arrangements they tell stories both ancient and contemporary, in harmonies that are at times stark and dissonant, and at times warm and lush, in a mix of Scots language, Cumbrian dialect and English. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Family-friendly, Beltane

Mini Mummers Parade Prep

(Sat 3 May: 10am) Join the Family Beltane crew for a morning of mask decoration, crafting and face painting ahead of the May Day Parade. Fun for all the family, please come in Mummers costume if desired! Afterwards, all are welcome to join the May Day Parade or watch and enjoy as it passes down the High Street. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Workshop, Storytelling, Gaelic

An Introduction to Gaelic Storytelling

(Sat 3 May: 10:30am) Join Gaelic storyteller Martin MacIntyre for an introductory session exploring the history, importance and joy in Gaelic storytelling culture in Scotland. Martin was the University of Edinburgh’s first Gaelic Writer in Residence (2022-24) and is an accomplished storyteller, poet and author. This is a bilingual event in English with some content in Gaelic. No prior knowledge of Scottish Gaelic is required to attend, everyone welcome! Presented by the Scottish Storytelling Forum. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Training Venue

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May Day

May Day Parade: Action for Justice

(Sat 3 May: 11:30am) Artists, performers and culture workers of all kinds are called to join Tradfest musicians and mummers on the Edinburgh and Lothians May Day procession. Gather at 11.30am at Parliament Square by St Giles Cathedral for a 12pm departure down the High Street to The Pleasance, where there will be a rally, music and stalls. Greenery and instruments welcome! ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue External Venue

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Family-friendly, Beltane

Family Beltane

(Sat 3 May: 1:30pm & 3pm) This delightful Beltane Fire Society tradition allows parents to share in the magic of the Beltane story with their little ones through storytelling, face painting and arts & crafts. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Music, Song, Storytelling

A Necklace of Stories from the Highlands & Islands

(Sat 3 May: 7:30pm) Be transported to the magical Hebridean Islands and the Highlands of Scotland through stories and legends collected by folklorist Otta Swire, who captured the spirit and traditions of a bygone era. With story, music and imagery, storytellers Bea Ferguson and Heather Yule explore the captivating tales of these lands, and the people and strange creatures who dwelt there. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Music, Family-friendly, Storytelling, Dance

Easy Sundays: Family Ceilidh

(Sun 4 May: 1pm) Come with family and friends to dance Scottish dances and sing well-known songs with the Minnow Ceilidh Band. All dances will be called and there'll be easy-to-follow circles for wee ones. A fun introduction to sociable dancing with live music. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Dowally + Philippe Boudot: Ici et Là-Bas

(Sun 4 May: 8pm) Cinematic-folk duo Dowally and innovative French drummer Philippe Boudot celebrate the release of their album Ici et Là-Bas, recorded last year in Edinburgh. Dowally have become renowned for their collaborations with top musicians such as Phil Alexander (Moishe's Bagel) and Ciaran Ryan (Dallahan). Their latest partnership with in-demand drummer Philippe Boudot (currently touring with renowned songwriter Clara Ysé) sees the duo at their most creative, making lyrical, joyful music, whilst anchored to their folk beginnings. Over the course of a single week, they wrote and recorded an entire album, with voice, fiddle, guitar, drums and percussion. That freshness is apparent across the tracks, ranging from epic morricone-esque compositions and new folk tunes, to yearning songs in both English and French. Watch a short Trailer here ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Hip Hop Story Stop! Old Edinburgh Street Games & Stories

(Mon 5 May: 1pm) Experience the spirit of Edinburgh’s streets as they once were - full of fun, folklore, and adventure. Join Claire McNicol and Fergus McNicol for a lively, family-friendly session of traditional street games, playful rhymes, toe-tapping songs, and captivating tales from Old Edinburgh! Discover games that once filled the city's closes and wynds with laughter, while learning the chants and songs passed down through generations. Listen to stories of Edinburgh’s past, of mischievous bairns, bustling markets, and the hijinks of the Old Town. A perfect blend of history, play and imagination! ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Book Launch, Storytelling

Scotland’s Ancient Goddess: Hidden in Plain Sight

(Mon 5 May: 4pm) In his new book Scotland’s Sacred Goddess: Hidden in Plain Sight (Luath Press), Stuart McHardy explores the pre-Christian beliefs of the Scottish people, where the Scots had a rich mythology of stories that explained the creation and workings of the world. Join Stuart to celebrate the book and hear how these ancient beliefs are not lost but can be seen in today’s cultural and physical landscape, in a mix of ancient oral tales, place names, local rhymes and landscape shapes. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Music, Poetry, Song, Tradfest

Cafe Ceilidh

(Tue 6 May: 2pm) Celebrate Edinburgh's Tradfest with friends from the Scots Music Group! An afternoon session of traditional songs, music, poems and stories, held in the relaxed setting of the Storytelling Court. All welcome to listen or bring a tune for a turn.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Song, Storytelling

Stories and Songs in the North-East Bothy Tradition

(Tue 6 May: 7:30pm) A wonderful evening of stories, music and song celebrating the bothy culture of rural North East Scotland. Join ballad singer Allan Taylor, fiddler Karin Paterson and storytellers Phyll McBain and Jackie Ross for a ceilidh of land, laughter and a hearty dollop of Doric! ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Folk, Song

Let Them Be Heard: Sangstream Scots Folk Choir

(Wed 7 May: 7:30pm) Songs from the people of Scotland; voices of the excluded, the marginalised, the feared and the fearful, the enchanted and the enchanters, the mothers, the fathers, the workers, the children... let them all be heard. Sangstream, the a cappella Scots folk choir now in its 28th year, led by the renowned Corrina Hewat, is excited to perform their rich choice of songs arranged by Corrina and previous leaders such as Mairi Campbell and Robyn Stapleton. Songs revealing truths from deep in history to more recent tales, all relevant to life in Scotland today. ~~~~~ Sangstream Scots Folk Choir is Edinburgh-based, with weekly Thursday rehearsals at St Thomas of Aquin’s. The choir is open to all with no audition needed to join. Their repertoire is mainly unaccompanied Scots folk songs, both traditional and modern. They also have a regular monthly Saturday afternoon session at the Canons’ Gait in the Old Town. Since their founding in 1997 they have been led by some of Scotland’s finest traditional voices – Christine Kydd, Jenny Clark, Mairi Campbell, Robyn Stapleton and, for 8 years, Corrina Hewat who is celebrating 30 years in the arts as musician and composer, having a wide and varied background of music and theatre. Sangstream aims to provide the opportunity for people to learn about and share Scots songs and traditions and to carry these songs out into the wider community. You can find out more about becoming a member of Sangstream at sangstream.org.uk. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Music, Storytelling

Hearth Fire Sessions

(Thu 8 May: 7:30pm) Welcome to an eclectic night of ancient myth, contemporary storytelling, post-folk music, and physical artistry. Steeped in the traditions of Scottish storytelling, we evoke the warm atmosphere of peat-smoked hearthsides and ceilidh house revelry, presenting timeless motifs relevant to a discerning modern audience. Join host Dougie Mackay as he invites a different selection of Scotland’s finest storytellers, songwriters, musicians, and performing artists to each bi-monthly Hearth Fire Session to create an innovative showcase of Scotland’s contemporary culture. May's session features storyteller Niall Moorjani, Moroccan filmmakers/storytellers Tizintizwa (Nadir Bouhmouch and Soumeya Ait Ahmed) and musician Evie Waddell. ~~~~~ Niall Moorjani is a non-binary, mixed Scots-Indian writer and storyteller. They are fascinated by the fantastical, the historical, and the liminal and have written and performed many shows, including A Fairie Tale and Mohan: A Partition Story at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and the Scottish International Storytelling Festival. They are also the founder and host of the Tales at The Tavern/Lighthouse open mic story night in London/Edinburgh. Niall's work has been described as ‘genius reinvention of the form’ (Fringe of Colour). Tizintizwa (Nadir Bouhmouch and Soumeya Ait Ahmed) is a Moroccan art-research collective that fosters collective creation and cross-pollination across disciplines. They collaborate with rural communities to document oral traditions and explore ecological transformations. Their work emphasizes the importance of transgenerational transmission, land relations, and the interplay between nature and culture, showcased at notable venues worldwide. They will also perform at SSC as part of the Folk Film Gathering on Fri 9 May. Evie Waddell is a Gaelic and Scots singer, and fiddler hailing from Stirlingshire. She graduated from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and her passion for Scottish music is deeply rooted in the influence of Jo Miller, also drawing inspiration from Ivor Cutler, Martyn Bennett, Lisa O Neill, and Rhiannon Giddens. Evie also performs in British Sign Language (BSL) and has directed and toured her own show 'Fàilte Gu BSL' as well as performing with Theatre Gu Leòr. She was a winner of the Danny Kyle Open Stage 2023 and was a BBC Young Traditional Musician Semi-Finalist 2024. Evie released her visual EP 'Cluich!' in February 2024. Dougie Mackay hails from the Scottish Highlands, from a lineage of natural storytellers. He is fascinated by the wild northern tales of Scotland, Scandinavia, Ireland and the Baltics, with a practice steeped in group-work facilitation and storytelling as a tool for development, connection and empowerment. He has been telling stories professionally for over 10 years and has developed successful long-form shows including Animate Lands and A Wolf Shall Devour the Sun. He co-curates and hosts Hearth Fire Sessions throughout the year. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Music, Storytelling

Bog Standard

(Fri 9 May: 6pm) Bog Standard is the gripping true story of a tip off which led a rookie journalist to one of the most important archaeological finds of the 20th century. It’s also a story about a magical bogland called Lindow Moss, two murders 1500 years apart, and how an ancient bog man became a 21st-century eco warrior. Award-winning health journalist and storyteller Rachel Pugh and prize-winning harpist Lucy Nolan collaborate in a show weaving words, music and natural bog sounds from the UK and Kyrgyzstan to recreate the nail-biting days of 1984 when Rachel fought to save Lindow Man from ending up in a bag of compost! Directed by Marion Kenny. Watch a short Trailer here ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Folk Film Gathering, Storytelling, Film

The Legend of the Anonymous Poet (Or a 20th Century Barbarian Account)

(Fri 9 May: 8:30pm) Blending historic events, Moroccan popular myths and magical fiction, this special live performance from filmmaker/storytellers Nadir Bouhmouch and Soumeya Ait Ahmed combines film, lecture and storytelling, showcasing the Tizintizwa Collective’s field recordings of ancestral oral poems, epic ballads and women's work songs to create a folktale-like account of the 20th century "Roman" conquest of Morocco from a "barbarian" perspective. Part of the Folk Film Gathering 2025. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Children, Arts & Crafts, Storytelling

Sunshine Stories: Sensory Stories and Play

(Sat 10 May: 11am) Join storyteller Ailie Finlay from My Kind of Book on a fun-packed, sensory adventure for May time as we head off through the green grass and squelchy bogs of Scotland! Lively traditional tales, inclusive games and lots of props to bounce and squeeze, followed by a calming session with play dough. A fun and engaging session for everyone but particularly suitable for children with additional needs and their families and friends. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Workshop, Music, Storytelling

Storytelling for Musicians

(Sat 10 May: 1:30pm) For musicians who want to be better storytellers on stage! Learn how to improve your patter and song introductions with some basic rules of storytelling. An interactive and fun session led by experienced musician and storyteller David Francis, where you will learn how to stay grounded, be aware of your audience and try different introductions to songs and music, with honest and useful feedback. Presented by the Traditional Music Forum. David Francis has been involved in folk music in Scotland for around 40 years as a folk club organiser, musician, researcher and administrator and is also involved in other aspects of the folk arts such as dance and storytelling. As a musician, David is known for his guitar and songwriting work in duo The Cast with his wife Mairi Campbell, with whom he recorded and toured in the 90s and 00s. The duo was nudged into the spotlight and temporary solvency when their version of Robert Burns’s Auld Lang Syne was picked up for the film of the hit TV show Sex and the City. He worked with the Traditional Music Forum and TRACS until his recent retirement but continues to stay involved through other organisations like the European Folk Network. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Training Venue

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Walking Tour

Transforming Auld Reekie: Walking Tour

(Sat 10 May: 2pm) A walking tour around the sights and sounds of Edinburgh’s Old Town with artist/curator Claudia Zeiske. Walk along Edinburgh’s High Street in the footsteps of philosopher/community planner Patrick Geddes, taking in the buildings, stories and green spaces that maintain Geddes’ legacy of ecology, culture and creativity. Claudia Zeiske is a cultural activist and Walking Curator. Her practice stems from Deveron Projects in rural Scotland where she was the founding Director. Here ‘the town is the venue’ rather than a gallery or arts centre based on a balanced approach between artistic criticality and community involvement. Her experiences come from participatory arts, linking local activities with global realities. You can find out more about Claudia by visiting her website. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Meet at Scottish Storytelling Centre

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Dance, Music, Storytelling

The Poet and the Moon: Lorca's Flamenco Soul

(Sat 10 May: 7:30pm) TuFlamenco presents a tribute to Federico García Lorca, Spain’s most iconic poet, through Flamenco’s rhythm, dance, and poetry. Three Spanish artists - Inma Montero (dance & vocals), Danielo Olivera (guitar & vocals), and Inés Álvarez Villa (storyteller) – explore the intense connection of the poet to flamenco in all its passion, tragedy, and beauty. Join us on this celebration of the rich Spanish cultural heritage! ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Remembering Douglas

(Sun 11 May: 11am, 1:30pm & 7pm) Join us for a celebration of independent film in Scotland through the lens of celebrated filmmaker Douglas Eadie. Across the day a selection of Douglas’s work will be shown including: 11am: Haston - A Life in the Mountains (plus Q&A featuring special guest, cameraman Douglas Campbell.)1:30pm: An Ceasnachadh - An Interrogation of a Highland Lass (plus Q&A with Kathleen MacInnes, Dolina MacLennan and Kenny MacRae) / Hydro Days (plus Q&A with Film Producer Christeen Whinford, Film Editor Fiona MacDonald and Film Director Robbie Fraser)7pm: Down Home (with Aly Bain, introduced by Mike Bolland who commissioned the original film for Channel 4) All hosted throughout by poet Jim Mackintosh and author James Robertson. Part of the Folk Film Gathering 2025. ~~~~~ Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Tales of the City

(Mon 19 May: 8pm) Eight local writers have each written a ten-minute play responding to Edinburgh’s 900th anniversary. Join Penpal Productions for this series of short pieces exploring what the city means to these diverse voices. Performed script in hand, the evening promises to be a fascinating and unique snapshot of Edinburgh’s remarkable history and people.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Stories on the Way

(Wed 21 May: 7:30pm) Come and enjoy live storytelling in the relaxed setting of the Netherbow Theatre, where the amazing apprentice storytellers will show off their skills and explore a different theme with every performance. Hosted by Janis Mackay and featuring a host of new storytelling voices.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Guid Crack: Tales of Wonder, Mystery and Imagination

(Fri 30 May: 7:30pm) As the wheel of the year begins to turn towards summer, join guest storyteller Kate Walker for tales of wonder, mystery and imagination. Expect stories of darkness and light, and stories to entertain and ponder! Hosted by Fiona Herbert. Another fun and friendly session of Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club held upstairs in the Waverley Bar, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem around the theme or otherwise. Featuring a different host every month and a special guest storyteller. ~~~~~ Brought up in a large family in West Fife, Kate Walker enjoys singing and storytelling with all ages. Her stories come from near and far, but she especially likes to tell tales with a Scottish flavour and loves to tell stories with a BIG message, a wee twist or a clever ending! In 2011 Kate set up her own business, ‘Chatterbox Stories’ and since then she has worked extensively with many different groups and participating in festivals and community events in Fife and central Scotland. With a keen interest in the environment, local history, Scottish traditions and culture, Kate uses her skills as a storyteller and teacher to interpret people’s lives, past events and the natural world through tales and song. Presented by the Scottish Storytelling Forum.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue The Waverley Bar

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Workshop, Song

Gaelic Waulking Songs with Katie Macfarlane

(Sat 7 Jun: 11am) Suitable for both Gaelic and non-Gaelic speakers, this workshop will focus on Scottish Gaelic songs that were used in the tradition of “waulking” the tweed - songs which were primarily composed and sung by women. Katie Macfarlane is a Gaelic singer from Airdrie who is greatly influenced by her connections to North Uist in the Outer Hebrides. She has had a passion for Gaelic song all her life and has been a semi-finalist in both BBC Radio Scotland's Young Traditional Musician and BBC Radio 2's Young Folk Award competitions. In 2018, Katie carried out an exchange of Gaelic and Catalan song while living in Barcelona and later released her debut EP Ciùine Na Mara in 2019 which is a mixture of the two styles and self-penned folk song. In 2023 Katie released her debut album An Nighean Sheunta (The Enchanted Girl) which is a celebration of the people and cultures that have inspired Katie's singing throughout her life. With a mix of Gaelic, Catalan, Scots and English song, it is an exploration of Katie's ancestry, the places she has lived, the people she has learned from, and traditions which must be nourished and maintained. Presented by the Traditional Music Forum, free for TMF members. Photo by Elly Lucas.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Workshop, Song, Scots

Scots Songs from Glasgow with Paul McKenna

(Sat 7 Jun: 1.30pm) Join Paul McKenna for an inspiring workshop as we explore a vibrant collection of songs from Glasgow, Greater Glasgow, and Paisley - areas steeped in rich industrial history. Many of these songs echo the struggles, triumphs, and stories of the working-class experience, while also weaving in classic themes of Scots song - love, life, and the land. A journey through melody and history not to be missed. Paul McKenna has long been ranked among Scotland's finest singers and songwriters, armed with a powerful yet intensely emotive voice and passionate social conscience, often expressed through his songs - a combination that has brought frequent comparisons to the great Dick Gaughan. Formed in 2006, The Paul McKenna Band have performed all across the world to much acclaim, and in 2024 took home the title of Scottish Folk Band of the Year at the prestigious MG ALBA Scots Trad Music Awards. Presented by the Traditional Music Forum, free for TMF members.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue George Mackay Brown Library

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Folklore, Music, Storytelling


(Wed 11 June: 7:30pm) The moon begins to form as the moon spinners wash their wool in the sea, winding it again into a white ball in the sky and re-creating the phases and cycles that guide our seasons, and our stories... ~~~~~ Join us for our quarterly series of full-moon celebrations, with live storytelling, music and a rotating programme of incredible performers. Following the Celtic Wheel of the Year (the quarterly seasons of Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain) we look forward to moon myths, lunar legends and cross-cultural stories, revealing themes of creation, fertility, magic, mystery, death and rebirth. For our June session we welcome you under the full Strawberry Moon with another exciting lineup of storytellers and performers. ~~~~~ Moonspinners events will follow two distinct phases, with the first half of performance in the Netherbow Theatre, followed by a social and conversational flow upstairs in the Storytelling Court with a chance to digest and discuss the stories amongst friends old and new. Mark it in your diary, or just follow the moon to guide you here! ~~~~~ Image credit: Hester Aspland

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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LGBTQ+, Storytelling

Queer Folks' Tales

(Thu 12 Jun: 7:30pm) Welcome to Queer Folks’ Tales, our hugely popular bi-monthly storytelling series where queer storytellers from a diverse range of backgrounds, ages and cultures around Edinburgh and Scotland share stories of LGBTQ+ lives, past, present and future. Sometimes hilarious, often moving, occasionally shocking, the mix of true and fictional stories across the year is as varied as the range of storytellers invited. Household names feature alongside new and diverse queer storytellers from the different communities of Scotland. Many of the stories told in the Queer Folks' Tales evenings will be true stories of LGBTQ+ experience in Scotland today. Hosted by Edinburgh’s Turan Ali. ~~~~~ Turan Ali has been a producer, director and writer of BBC radio dramas and comedies for over 20 years. He’s been a stage storyteller since 2012, and a stand up since 2021. He tours internationally and has two sell out monthly storytelling shows in Vienna. Turan is the creator, producer and host of Queer Folks’ Tales for which he won the Creative Edinburgh Leadership Award 2024. QFT now tours across Scotland and is Creative Scotland funded. ★★★★★ 'Edinburgh's most vibrant, authentic and exciting storytelling event' (The Wee Review)★★★★★ 'Utterly fabulous' (TheQR.co.uk)★★★★★ (BroadwayBaby.com) Queer Folks' Tales is supported by Creative Scotland

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Spoken Word, Poetry

Loud Poets

(Fri 13 Jun: 7:30pm) Don’t miss the next fantastic show from Scotland’s premiere spoken word night! For over ten years, Loud Poets has been showcasing the best spoken word poetry from Scotland and beyond. Expect fist-thumping, heart-wrenching, side-tickling poetry performances with live musical accompaniment. Check back soon for the full line-up! “Loud Poets is tearing up the landscape, bringing the ancient art to contemporary audiences – spreading mirth, giggles and talent along the way.” - Corr Blimey “Go listen to Loud Poets and hear them say the things you’ve been trying to say yourself.” - Shane Koyczan “There’s a humour, poignancy and most of all confidence which serves to inspire.” - Scotsman

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

Event Image
Music, Song, Poetry

Cafe Ceilidh

(Tue 17 Jun: 2pm) Join friends from the Scots Music Group for an afternoon session of traditional songs, music, poems and stories, held in the relaxed setting of the Storytelling Court. All welcome to listen or bring a tune for a turn.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Storytelling Ceilidh with the Burgh Blatherers

(Wed 18 Jun: 7pm) Join Edinburgh's own Burgh Blatherers for a series of regular open-floor storytelling nights taking place throughout the year, a cosy gathering in the relaxed surroundings of the Storytelling Court with refreshments available from the Haggis Box Café. Hosted by Bob Mitchell and members of Burgh Blatherers storytelling club, who will transport you with their own stories and imaginative weavings while offering you the chance to tell your own tales! Sailors, fisherfolk, pirates and explorers. Leviathan lurking beneath the waves, the cry of the seabirds above. Bring us adventures and songs of the sea and shore!

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Guid Crack: Midsummer Myths

(Fri 27 Jun: 7:30pm) Another fun and friendly session of Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club held upstairs in the Waverley Bar, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem around the theme or otherwise. Featuring a different host every month and a special guest storyteller. ~~~~~ Our guest storyteller this month is Anna Lehr. Originally from Germany, Anna is now based in Glasgow working as a professional storyteller who specialises in performance based interactive and educational stories. Hosted by Beverley Bryant. Presented by the Scottish Storytelling Forum.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue The Waverley Bar

Event Image

Stories on the Way

(Wed 16 Jul: 7:30pm) Come and enjoy live storytelling in the relaxed setting of the Netherbow Theatre, where the amazing apprentice storytellers will show off their skills and explore a different theme with every performance. Hosted by Janis Mackay and featuring a host of new storytelling voices.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Guid Crack

(Fri 25 Jul: 7:30pm) Another fun and friendly session of Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club held upstairs in the Waverley Bar, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem around the theme or otherwise. Featuring a different host every month and a guest storyteller to be announced.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue The Waverley Bar

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Folklore, Music, Storytelling


(Sat 6 Sep: 7:30pm) The moon begins to form as the moon spinners wash their wool in the sea, winding it again into a white ball in the sky and re-creating the phases and cycles that guide our seasons, and our stories... ~~~~~ Join us for our quarterly series of full-moon celebrations, with live storytelling, music and a rotating programme of incredible performers. Following the Celtic Wheel of the Year (the quarterly seasons of Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain) we look forward to moon myths, lunar legends and cross-cultural stories, revealing themes of creation, fertility, magic, mystery, death and rebirth. For our September session we welcome you under the full Corn Moon with another exciting lineup of storytellers and performers. ~~~~~ Moonspinners events will follow two distinct phases, with the first half of performance in the Netherbow Theatre, followed by a social and conversational flow upstairs in the Storytelling Court with a chance to digest and discuss the stories amongst friends old and new. Mark it in your diary, or just follow the moon to guide you here! ~~~~~ Image credit: Hester Aspland

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Storytelling Ceilidh with the Burgh Blatherers

(Wed 10 Sep: 7pm) Join Edinburgh's own Burgh Blatherers for a series of regular open-floor storytelling nights taking place throughout the year, a cosy gathering in the relaxed surroundings of the Storytelling Court with refreshments available from the Haggis Box Café. Hosted by Bob Mitchell and members of Burgh Blatherers storytelling club, who will transport you with their own stories and imaginative weavings while offering you the chance to tell your own tales! Child’s play, riddles, stories of tricksters and shaggy dog tales... Make us laugh, make us wonder: can we believe you or is it just stuff and nonsense?!

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Music, Song, Poetry

Cafe Ceilidh

(Tue 23 Sep: 2pm) Join friends from the Scots Music Group for an afternoon session of traditional songs, music, poems and stories, held in the relaxed setting of the Storytelling Court. All welcome to listen or bring a tune for a turn.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Guid Crack

(Fri 26 Sep: 7:30pm) Another fun and friendly session of Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club held upstairs in the Waverley Bar, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem around the theme or otherwise. Featuring a different host every month and a guest storyteller to be announced.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue The Waverley Bar

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Theatre, New Writing

Uncle Vincent

(Sat 27 Sep: 7:30pm & Sun 28 Sep: 3pm) I didn’t ask to be born amongst all those paintings, but like it or not, I had to deal with the collection. A young man stands in front of us, trying to persuade us to fund a museum to honour his uncle. He is visibly uncomfortable: he wasn’t meant to be giving this presentation. It was supposed to be Jo, his mother. When Vincent van Gogh dies at the age of thirty-seven, shortly followed by his brother Theo, it is left to Theo’s widow Jo to carry on his legacy. Thanks to Jo and her son Vincent Willem the painter of Sunflowers is one of the most beloved artists in the world. Through the words of the artist, his brother, his sister-in-law and nephew, discover the genius that the world almost forgot… Written by Rebekah King, performed by Philip Kingscott and produced by Peapod Productions.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Stories on the Way

(Wed 1 Oct: 7:30pm) Come and enjoy live storytelling in the relaxed setting of the Netherbow Theatre, where the amazing apprentice storytellers will show off their skills and explore a different theme with every performance. Hosted by Janis Mackay and featuring a host of new storytelling voices.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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LGBTQ+, Storytelling

Queer Folks' Tales

(Thu 9 Oct: 7:30pm) Welcome to Queer Folks’ Tales, our hugely popular bi-monthly storytelling series where queer storytellers from a diverse range of backgrounds, ages and cultures around Edinburgh and Scotland share stories of LGBTQ+ lives, past, present and future. Sometimes hilarious, often moving, occasionally shocking, the mix of true and fictional stories across the year is as varied as the range of storytellers invited. Household names feature alongside new and diverse queer storytellers from the different communities of Scotland. Many of the stories told in the Queer Folks' Tales evenings will be true stories of LGBTQ+ experience in Scotland today. Hosted by Edinburgh’s Turan Ali. ~~~~~ Turan Ali has been a producer, director and writer of BBC radio dramas and comedies for over 20 years. He’s been a stage storyteller since 2012, and a stand up since 2021. He tours internationally and has two sell out monthly storytelling shows in Vienna. Turan is the creator, producer and host of Queer Folks’ Tales for which he won the Creative Edinburgh Leadership Award 2024. QFT now tours across Scotland and is Creative Scotland funded. ★★★★★ 'Edinburgh's most vibrant, authentic and exciting storytelling event' (The Wee Review)★★★★★ 'Utterly fabulous' (TheQR.co.uk)★★★★★ (BroadwayBaby.com) Queer Folks' Tales is supported by Creative Scotland

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Music, Song, Poetry

Cafe Ceilidh

(Tue 11 Nov: 2pm) Join friends from the Scots Music Group for an afternoon session of traditional songs, music, poems and stories, held in the relaxed setting of the Storytelling Court. All welcome to listen or bring a tune for a turn.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Storytelling Ceilidh with the Burgh Blatherers

(Wed 12 Nov: 7pm) Join Edinburgh's own Burgh Blatherers for a series of regular open-floor storytelling nights taking place throughout the year, a cosy gathering in the relaxed surroundings of the Storytelling Court with refreshments available from the Haggis Box Café. Hosted by Bob Mitchell and members of Burgh Blatherers storytelling club, who will transport you with their own stories and imaginative weavings while offering you the chance to tell your own tales! Hiring fairs were traditionally held at Martinmas – bring us stories of work, magical service, prisoners or apprentices. What would you give a year and a day to accomplish?

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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Guid Crack

(Fri 28 Nov: 7:30pm) Another fun and friendly session of Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club held upstairs in the Waverley Bar, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem around the theme or otherwise. Featuring a different host every month and a guest storyteller to be announced.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue The Waverley Bar

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Burgh Blatherers' Winter Warmer

(Wed 3 Dec: 7pm) Nights are growing long and dark. Cold nips the air. It’s time to braid our evergreen circle - time to join the Burgh Blatherers for their Winter Warmer. Members of Edinburgh's own storytelling club present a heartfelt season finale to their year of storytelling ceilidhs and fan the embers of the year into flame of warming cheer and conviviality. Sit back and enjoy!

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Storytelling Court

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LGBTQ+, Storytelling

Queer Folks' Tales

(Thu 4 Dec: 7:30pm) Welcome to Queer Folks’ Tales, our hugely popular bi-monthly storytelling series where queer storytellers from a diverse range of backgrounds, ages and cultures around Edinburgh and Scotland share stories of LGBTQ+ lives, past, present and future. Sometimes hilarious, often moving, occasionally shocking, the mix of true and fictional stories across the year is as varied as the range of storytellers invited. Household names feature alongside new and diverse queer storytellers from the different communities of Scotland. Many of the stories told in the Queer Folks' Tales evenings will be true stories of LGBTQ+ experience in Scotland today. Hosted by Edinburgh’s Turan Ali. ~~~~~ Turan Ali has been a producer, director and writer of BBC radio dramas and comedies for over 20 years. He’s been a stage storyteller since 2012, and a stand up since 2021. He tours internationally and has two sell out monthly storytelling shows in Vienna. Turan is the creator, producer and host of Queer Folks’ Tales for which he won the Creative Edinburgh Leadership Award 2024. QFT now tours across Scotland and is Creative Scotland funded. ★★★★★ 'Edinburgh's most vibrant, authentic and exciting storytelling event' (The Wee Review)★★★★★ 'Utterly fabulous' (TheQR.co.uk)★★★★★ (BroadwayBaby.com) Queer Folks' Tales is supported by Creative Scotland

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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Stories on the Way

(Wed 17 Dec: 7:30pm) Come and enjoy live storytelling in the relaxed setting of the Netherbow Theatre, where the amazing apprentice storytellers will show off their skills and explore a different theme with every performance. Hosted by Janis Mackay and featuring a host of new storytelling voices.

Location Scottish Storytelling Centre

subvenue Netherbow Theatre

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On Demand, Podcast, Storytelling

Another Story (Podcast)

(Online On-Demand) Another Story is our podcast series exploring some of the themes featured in recent festivals. Tune in to hear some wonderful storytellers share their favourite tales and chat about storytelling in Scotland and beyond. So join us for Another Story... Available wherever you get your podcasts, including Spotify, Apple, Google and Amazon. Follow us by liking and subscribing so you don’t miss an episode! Listen Here

Location Scottish International Storytelling Festival

subvenue Online SISF

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Online Pre-Recorded, Music, Storytelling

Blue City: A Storytelling Journey along Edinburgh's Coastline

Explore Edinburgh as a city by the sea by enjoying this specially created story film. Follow the coastline from Fisherrow, on the boundary with East Lothian, to South Queensferry. A trail of harbours and wildlife havens that glimmers with stories from folklore, history and ecology. Devised by the SISF with storytellers Beverley Casebow, Douglas Mackay, Janis Mackay, Linda Perttula, Nicola Wright and Donald Smith, with music by Kenneth Linklater and the Bowling Ceilidh Band. Produced in support of the Forth Rivers Trust and Restoration Forth, Blue City: A Storytelling Journey along Edinburgh's Coastline is free to access. This film will be available on YouTube from Fri 14 Oct. View the film ~~~~~~~~~~ Over the past two years we have enjoyed being part of a fantastic online storytelling community across the world. We would love to further connect with you in our digital storytelling and development sessions, so whether you are based in Scotland, or further afield, let’s keep that fire lit on our global platforms. ~~~~~~~~~~ In Scotland’s Year of Stories, the Scottish International Storytelling Festival: Keep It Lit invites everyone to the ceilidh; locally, nationally and globally. At the core of Scotland’s culture and identity is the hospitable hearth - a place of solidarity and welcome for friend and stranger alike. Round that symbolic fire, experiences and memories are shared and hope affirmed.

Location Scottish International Storytelling Festival

subvenue Online SISF

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Online Pre-Recorded

Green City: Healing and Hope

Green City: Healing and Hope is a new storytelling film exploring the grassroots movement to turn Edinburgh green. The struggle for net zero will be won or lost in cities, so how is Edinburgh doing after 900 years as a burgh? Hear directly from people and places who think global and act local. Green City is a companion piece to Blue City (2022), which explored Edinburgh as a city by the sea. Narrated by Donald Smith, with contributions from fellow storytellers and activists. Co-Directed by Sandy McGhie (Channel 7A) & Donald Smith. Produced by the Scottish International Storytelling Festival, Green City: Healing and Hope will be free to access from Friday 16th February 2024. View the film

Location Scottish International Storytelling Festival

subvenue Online SISF

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Map of Stories: Film Ceilidhs (Online On-Demand)

Enjoy several multimedia storytelling performances filmed live in the Scottish Storytelling Centre's Netherbow Theatre in October 2022, where a world of local Scottish stories unfolds through the live voices of traditional storytellers and site-specific film footage of the landscapes they emerge from. Featuring stories from Dumfries and Galloway, the North East, Orkney, the Outer Hebrides and Perth and Kinross. ~~~~~~~~~~ These live performances were part of Tales, Tongues and Trails, a celebration of regional and international language, landscape and identities for the Scottish International Storytelling Festival 2022. Map of Stories YouTube playlist of all five Film Ceilidhs Scottish International Storytelling Festival Live filming by Sandy McGhie (Channel 7A). ~~~~~~~~~~ Map of Stories is a collaboration between Transgressive North, Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland and Rectangle Design, supported by Creative Scotland and EventScotland as part of Scotland's Year of Stories 2022.

Location Scottish International Storytelling Festival

subvenue Online SISF

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