Gaelic Song Workshop with Deirdre Graham: Song with a Story
Bùth-Obrach Sèinn Ghàidhlig le Deirdre Ghreumach - Òran le Sgeul
Singer and Gaelic Song Stories podcast host Deirdre Graham will lead a fun and informative workshop in Gaelic songs and their stories; tales of battles, love and loss, female empowerment, and much more! Come and enjoy the experience of singing together and delving into the rich repertoire of Gaelic songs. This workshop will cater for all levels of ability in singing and in Gaelic - native speakers, learners and complete beginners all welcome.
Stiùirichidh an seinneadair agus neach-lìbhrigidh a’ phod-chraolaidh ‘Gaelic Song Stories’, Deirdre Ghreumach bùth-obrach sèinn Ghàidhlig spòrsail agus fiosrachail ann an òrain Ghàidhlig agus an sgeulachdan; òrain chogaidh, ghaoil 's chràidh, mu neart nam ban agus eile. Togaibh ur guthan ri chèile gus eòlas a chur air saoghal nan òran Gàidhlig. Bidh a’ bhùth-obrach seo freagarrach air a h-uile seòrsa comas labhairt ‘s seinn - tha fàilte ro fhileantaich, luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig agus daoine aig nach eil i.
Photo by Magnus Graham.
A booking fee of £1.25 is charged per transaction for online and phone bookings.
If you are a Storytelling Centre Supporter, please add a full price ticket to the basket. Your discount will be automatically added at checkout.
This event is being sold at full capacity without social distancing. Participants are requested to wear masks at all times, except when singing, unless medically exempt.