Bilingual, Storytelling, Gaelic

Guid Crack: First Story on the Host, Guests tell 'til Dawn!

Guid Crack: Ciad Sgeul air Fear an Taighe, is Gach Sgeul gu Latha air an Aoigh!

(Fri 24 Feb: 7.30pm)

Join storyteller and writer Martin MacIntyre for an evening of bilingual stories and shared participation in Gaelic and English as part of Seachdain na Gàidhlig, World Gaelic Week, celebrating Scottish Gaelic across the globe. Also joining Martin is musician and d/Deaf performer Evie Waddell, who uses traditional songs and stories, sign language and dance to explore the relationship between Gaelic and BSL.

Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club returns home to the upstairs of the Waverley Bar, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem.

Seachdain na Gàidhlig aims to promote Gaelic for all, through official events and community initiatives, similar to Seachdain na Gaeilge in Ireland and Mìos nan Gàidheal in Nova Scotia. It will provide the opportunity for both Gaelic speakers and those without the language to take part in a way that suits them; here in Scotland and further afield.


Thigibh còmhla rinn airson oidhche de sgeulachdan dà-chànanach leis an sgeulaiche is sgrìobhadair, Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir, mar phàirt de Seachdain na Gàidhlig, a' comharrachadh Gàidhlig air feadh an t-saoghail. Cuide ri Màrtainn air an oidhche, bidh an ceòladair agus neach-cruthachail d/Deaf Evie Waddell, a chleachdas òrain is sgeulachdan, Cànan-soidhnidh agus dannsa gus a' cheangal eadar a' Ghàidhlig agus BSL a thaisbeanadh.

Bidh an oidhche sgeulachdan seo a' tilleadh don taigh-seinnse Waverley, is bidh fàilte ron na h-uile cur ris le sgeulachd, òran no bàrdachd.

Bidh an t-seachdain a’ brosnachadh na Gàidhlig dhan a h-uile duine, an dà chuid aig tachartasan oifigeach agus iomairtean coimhearsnachd, coltach ri Seachdain na Gaeilge ann an Èirinn agus Mìos nan Gàidheal ann an Alba Nuadh. Bheir e cothrom do luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig agus an fheadhainn aig nach eil i pàirt a ghabhail ann an diofar dhòighean a fhreagras orra fhèin; an dà chuid ann an Alba fhèin agus thall thairis.

Booking Information

Bi-lingual event in Gaelic and English. This event is non-ticketed, please arrive early to guarantee a seat. Donations welcome on the night (suggested £5, cash only). Please note this venue is upstairs with no lift access.

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