Gaelic, Film

Calman nan Loch

(Sat 25 Feb: 6pm)

Join us for the first film showing in Edinburgh of the Gaelic documentary film Calman nan Loch | Colm na Lochanna | The Dove of Lochs. Winner of the Audience Award at the Paris Short Film Festival 2022, this special screening will be followed by a reception linking two international Gaelic events, Seachdain na Gàidhlig and Seachtain na Gaeilge.

In this new documentary film we go to the heart of a Lewis community’s faith journey with artist déirdre ní mhathúna, where Colmcille’s Island in Lochs and the iconic image of the dove sit at the centre of the story. We discover a deep legacy from the medieval monks that is still present in the Gaelic Psalms and how the people hold fast to the spirit of the Celtic Church to this day. A re-enactment with magnificent traditional sailing boats guides us across the loch to hear interesting and hilarious stories, from folk who were still young in the days when the boats were “the Austins and Fords of the day”.

Click here to enjoy a trailer of the film.


Thigibh nar cuideachd airson a’ chiad shealladh an Dùn Èideann den fhilm aithriseach Calman nan Loch | Colm na Lochanna | The Dove of Lochs. Choisinn am film Duais an Luchd-Choimhid aig Fèis Film Goirid, Pàrais 2022. Thèid tachartas fàilteachaidh na dhèidh son ceangal sònraichte a chomharrachadh eadar an dà fhèis eadar-nàiseanta, Seachdain na Gàidhlig agus Seachdain na Gaeilge.

Anns an fhilm aithriseach ùr seo thèid sinn air turas còmhla ris an neach-ealain déirdre ní mhathúna gu cridhe creideamh muinntir nan Loch ann an Leòdhas, far a bheil Eilean Chaluim Chille agus ìomhaigh shuaicheanta a’ chalmain aig cridhe an sgeòil. Chithear mar a mhair doimhneachd dìleab nam manach ann an seinn nan Salm Gàidhlig agus mar am bi daoine a’ glèidheadh spiorad na h-Eaglaise Ceiltich beò chun an latha an-diugh. Tro ri-thairis le bàtaichean seòlaidh traidiseanta, bidh sinn gar treòrachadh thar an locha airson sgeulachdan ùidheil agus èibhinn bho daoine a bha fhathast òg nuair a bha na h-eathraichean mar “na h-Austins and Fords of the day.”

Booking Information

The film includes English subtitles. A booking fee of £1.25 is charged per transaction for online and phone bookings. If you are a Storytelling Centre Supporter please add a full price ticket to the basket. Your discount will be automatically added at checkout.

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