bold Celebrations

(Mon 4 Mar: 10am-5:30pm drop-in)

bold stands for Bringing Out Leaders in Dementia; bold Celebrations marks 5 years of our award-winning bold programme. We envisage a world where living with dementia doesn’t matter for who we are as people or how we live our lives. We invite everyone to experience and enjoy the many ways that our diverse bold community of social leaders are using creativity to lift the voices and stories of lived experience, creating bold ripples of connection, meaning and impact across Scotland.

bold Celebrations will share the stories and messages from those living with, supporting or working with people with dementia. This celebratory event is for anyone who wants to learn more about the bold social leadership programme, life’s stories, creative expressions and discovering how people are continuing to have meaningful lives and new experiences beyond a dementia diagnosis.

On the 4th March 2024 we will be creating a bold dementia map of Scotland, showing film screenings highlighting the creativity of those living with dementia, having conversations about the bold future for dementia in Scotland, creatively weaving our bold stories into Quipus and showcasing a bold Celebrations Art Exhibition, on display Feb-Mar 2024.

Book your FREE tickets below!

To find out more about the bold Celebrations Programme, please visit the bold Celebrations website.

Booking Information

This is a free, ticketed event. Please book your ticket below - a ticket for either session will grant entry to all activities on the day (subject to capacity).

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