Cèilidh Mhòr Bothan
(Fri 31 May: 6pm)
Tha Bothan 21 bliadhna a dh'aois! Cha ghabh e creidsinn!
As dhèidh seisean ciùil againn san fheasgar, bidh sgeulachdan againn bhon rannsaiche Uibhisteach Curstaidh Dhòmhnallach, agus bidh cèilidh thraidiseanta againn, le dannsa traidiseanta, bho chòmhlan òg Gàidhlig West Loch Ceilidh Band.
Edinburgh’s Gaelic Language Music and Culture Club, Bothan Dhùn Èideann, is celebrating its 21st Anniversary. Please come along for an excellent evening of stories, songs, music and dance with music by the West Loch Ceilidh Band. The event is in Gaelic.
Full price tickets are £12. There are limited Pay What You Can tickets available for this event, please select your preferred price band below. Should an error occur when selecting tickets, this indicates that the allocation of tickets at that price band has sold out. There is a £1.50 booking fee charged per transaction.