The Desperate Battle of the Birds | Cath Gailbheach nan Eòin
Bridges Between

(Mon 21 Oct: 8pm)
Scottish storyteller James MacDonald Reid and Scottish-Korean musician Ryan Williams present a classic Gaelic folk tale, blending tradition with innovation. A story originally learned in his youth, James shares it as he heard it in the traditional manner, while Ryan responds by intertwining original pieces composed on live electric cello. An exciting new collaboration of styles! Performed in English, with Gaelic throughout.
Bidh an sgeulaiche Seumas Dòmhnullach Ruaidh agus an ceòladair Coiridheach- Albannach Ryan MacUilleim a’ toirt seachad sgeul à beul-aithris Ghàidhlig ‘s a’ measgachadh dualchas le nòs ùr. Dh’ionnsaich Seumas an sgeul seo na òige agus bidh e ga h-innse san dearbh dhòigh sa chuala e fhéin e. Freagraidh Ryan le bhith a’ cur ceòl ùr a rinn e fhéin ri seo beò le fìdheall-ìosal. Co- obrachadh ùr, sgairteil! Air a thoirt seachad sa Bheurla, le Gàidhlig na lùib.
2024 marks the 35th anniversary of the Scottish International Storytelling Festival, coinciding with the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Since 1989, SISF has been building bridges between cultures, artists and audiences all over the world through the power of storytelling – connecting past, present and future. This year’s theme is ‘Bridges Between’. At a time where literal, figurative and societal walls continue to be constructed, we invite everyone to look beyond these boundaries and to celebrate the last and the next 35 years of storytelling with us.
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