Music, Gaelic

Bothan an Dàmhair: Tara NicFhraing agus càirdean

October Bothan, with Tara NicFhraing & Friends

(Fri 4 Oct: 7:30pm)

Thig còmhla rinn airson Bothan an Dàmhair, nuair a chuireas sinn fàilte air an t-seinneadair is neach-ciùil Tara NicFhraing agus a caraidean airson oidhche de phiàna, fìdhle agus dannsa-ceum.

Tha Tara, a bhuineas do Mhàbu ann an Ceap Breatainn bho thùs agus a tha a-nis stèidhichte ann an Alba, na tidsear, seinneadair Gàidhlig, cluicheadair piàna ann an stoidhle Cheap Breatainn, dannsair-ceum, agus croitear ann an Eilean Thiriodh. Bho ghluais i a dh’Alba còrr is 10 bliadhna air ais, tha Tara air a bhith na h-oide aig na fèisean air feadh Alba, a’ teagasg òrain Ghàidhlig, dannsa-ceum agus ceòl traidiseanta air a’ phiàna.


Join us for our October Bothan where we welcome singer and musician Tara NicFhraing and friends for an evening of piano, fiddle and step dancing.

Tara, originally from Mabou in Cape Breton, and now based in Scotland is a teacher, Gaelic singer, Cape Breton-style piano player, step dancer, and a crofter on the Isle of Tiree. Since moving to Scotland over 10 years ago, Tara has been a tutor for the "féisean" throughout Scotland teaching Gaelic song, step-dancing and traditional music on the piano.

This event is through the medium of Gaelic but don't worry if you are just at the beginning of exploring the language. All are welcome!

Booking Information

There are limited Pay What You Can tickets available for this event, please select your preferred price band below. Should an error occur when selecting tickets, this indicates that the allocation of tickets at that price band has sold out. There is a £1.50 booking fee charged per transaction.

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    • Music
    • £15.00
    • 4 October 2024
    • 180 minutes
    • 19:30
    • Scottish Storytelling Centre
    • subvenue Storytelling Court
    • 16+
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    0131 556 9579

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