Exhibition: Masks
Pomegranates 2025

(Fri 4 Apr-Mon 12 May)
Get up close and personal with the exquisite Venetian masks hand-crafted by Edinburgh's mask maker, designer and mask model Lorraine Pritchard, artist-in-residence for this year's Pomegranates Festival and the only Scottish artist featured at the Venice Carnival 2025.
Unmask the secrets of the mask-making heritage craft, find out more about masks and traditional dance, plus explore photographs of the artists' masks shot on location from Arthur’s Seat to the canals of Venice and a new behind-the-scenes documentary by Franzis Sánchez.
Masks is complemented by another exhibition featuring more of Lorraine’s Venetian masks, plus books about Venice and the Carnevale at Edinburgh Central Library (1-30 April 2025), also curated as part of Pomegranates Festival. This is Lorraine's first solo exhibition in a public institution. It is curated across the two venues by the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland in an ongoing partnership with the Edinburgh City Libraries and the Scottish Storytelling Centre as part of Pomegranates, Scotland's springtime festival of world trad dance and its links with live music, film, poetry, art, craft and fashion.
Find out more about Pomegranates Festival 2025, or you can keep up with Pomegranates as well as year-round TDFS activity by signing up to the TDFS newsletter.
This exhibition is free and non-ticketed, however the exhibition space is sometimes used for private events so you may wish to call ahead to confirm it will be accessible for your visit. You can contact Reception on 0131 556 9579 or email reception@scottishstorytellingcentre.com.
4 April 2025-12 May 2025
480 minutes
Scottish Storytelling Centre
Storytelling Court