Hidden Faces
Pomegranates 2025

(Tue 29 Apr: 6:30pm)
Celebrate UNESCO International Day of Dance with the Pomegranates flagship show choreographed by Pomegranates Festival hip hop dance theatre artist-in-residence Jonzi D (back by popular demand!) and a dozen dancers and musicians wearing newly commissioned masks by the festival heritage craft artist-in-residence Lorraine Pritchard.
“Following my Pomegranates festival debut last year, I am really honoured to be invited back as this year’s choreographer-in-residence, plus I am particularly partial to the new festival theme of masks. Traditional dance is important, including masked dance, because it represents living heritage while celebrating difference. I think we’ve reached a period in society where our differences are being used against us; our differences are being used to keep us separated; our differences are being used as judgmental tools. Manufactured polarisation. But our infinite differences define our identities, and still we have more in common than we have apart. Pomegranates Festival celebrates our differences.” - Jonzi D
The programme lasts about 60 minutes and will be followed by an opportunity to mingle and network at which all are welcome. Curated by the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland as part of Pomegranates, Scotland's springtime festival of world trad dance and its links with live music, film, poetry, art, craft and fashion.
Find out more about Pomegranates Festival 2025, or you can keep up with Pomegranates as well as year-round TDFS activity by signing up to the TDFS newsletter.
This event is ticketed on a Pay What You Can basis. Please select your desired ticket price from the options below.
29 April 2025
120 minutes
Scottish Storytelling Centre
Netherbow Theatre