May Day Parade: Action for Justice
Part of Edinburgh Tradfest 2025

(Sat 3 May: 11:30am)
Artists, performers and culture workers of all kinds are called to join Tradfest musicians and mummers on the Edinburgh and Lothians May Day procession. Gather at 11.30am at Parliament Square by St Giles Cathedral for a 12pm departure down the High Street to The Pleasance, where there will be a rally, music and stalls. Greenery and instruments welcome!
Edinburgh Tradfest presents the very best traditional music and traditional arts from Scotland and around the world. This year's dates are Fri 2 – Mon 12 May 2025. Edinburgh Tradfest is run by Soundhouse, alongside programming partners at TRACS, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Queen's Hall, University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies, Folk Film Gathering and other individual artists and creatives. Funded by Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.
This event is free, non-ticketed and open to all.
3 May 2025
120 minutes
Scottish Storytelling Centre
External Venue
All Ages