Corn Moon (Lughnasadh)

(Sat 6 Sep: 7:30pm)
The moon begins to form as the moon spinners wash their wool in the sea, winding it again into a white ball in the sky and re-creating the phases and cycles that guide our seasons, and our stories...
Join us for our quarterly series of full-moon celebrations, with live storytelling, music and a rotating programme of incredible performers. Following the Celtic Wheel of the Year (the quarterly seasons of Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain) we look forward to moon myths, lunar legends and cross-cultural stories, revealing themes of creation, fertility, magic, mystery, death and rebirth.
For our September session we welcome you under the full Corn Moon with another exciting lineup of storytellers and performers.
Moonspinners events will follow two distinct phases, with the first half of performance in the Netherbow Theatre, followed by a social and conversational flow upstairs in the Storytelling Court with a chance to digest and discuss the stories amongst friends old and new.
Mark it in your diary, or just follow the moon to guide you here!
Image credit: Hester Aspland
A booking fee of £1.50 is charged per transaction. If you are a Scottish Storytelling Centre Supporter please add a full price ticket to the basket and your discount will apply at checkout.
6 September 2025
150 minutes
Scottish Storytelling Centre
Netherbow Theatre